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Things I'd like to know more about in CorelDRAW part 1 - Contours

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Why (or when) a contour instead of an outline?

It is automatically an object. (outline needs to be converted first)
It can either go inside or outside (outline straddles)
More options such as single contour or more. Easier and faster to do double outlines.
Bold outlines can have funny corners like overly pointed mitered corners, contours do not.
One time I do prefer outlines is when I want to have rounded corners easy enough to do with an outline property change.

I'm a contour girl
Always have been......for all the reasons Mike pointed out as well as a few others
Just makes more sense to me, more versatile and much easier to alter/tweak/manipulate
I use a contour macro to round or bevel corners

If I looked back through the years, I could probably count (on my appendages) the times I chose to use outlines instead of contours.......but lately I've been making a few exceptions

With trying to get comfortable with the "new" art needed for my nifty new VERSACAMM, I've found myself using a slight outline (once in awhile) to accent or to help make a specific area of a design POP


Main reason I use contour is because of the funky things that outlines seem to do, as mentioned.
I'd usually work with outlines until they get weird then I'd try converting them to objects and seeing if that helps...usually the damage is done and it turns to a node editing session...
Next I'll go to a contour. Lately , last five or so years, I've been anticipating the outlines misbehaving and going right to a contour... only took me , what, 20 years??? which brings up this trivia question...
What version of CD did we get the contour options???? I don't remember.... 9?   

I can't remember yesterday, so I may be wrong, but I'm thinking contours have been around  for a long, long time, at least 7, maybe even before??????
Beats me
I do remember, though, that one of the semi-new versions, like 11 or 12 was disgusting
You'd put a contour around a perfect circle and wind up with 154 nodes!!!

It was a lot of fun :D
 :o :o :o


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