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Alan you say the distortion is from pulling the shirts off the pallets. Could it be from uneven stretching when putting the shirts on the pallets and centering? My wife and I argue about this. I say its from stretching while loading. If its from the shirt stretching while unloading wont it correct itself when laundered?

I work with a guy who can manage  to overtack the middle and miss the edges. 
Don't put it past those guys, from what you've posted before, I believe in their abilities.  ;)


--- Quote from: Sbrem on August 25, 2015, 12:04:09 PM ---We always bring this up with circles and squares (and rectangles). There is only so much one can do. With fresh tack, I like to pull the shirt up from the bottom instead of the shoulders until the tack loses some...


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This is what I do too. But with fresh tack it still isn't enough to avoid distortion on the first prints off the press. One thing I do though to help is cut the wb tack 50% with water. That way it starts out less aggressive. I have had some shirts with rectangles that the customer brought back. I ran them through the dryer and restretched them hot to "even up" the corners which actually worked ok.


--- Quote from: lrsbranding on August 25, 2015, 12:17:50 PM ---Alan you say the distortion is from pulling the shirts off the pallets. Could it be from uneven stretching when putting the shirts on the pallets and centering? My wife and I argue about this. I say its from stretching while loading. If its from the shirt stretching while unloading wont it correct itself when laundered?

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The two are not mutually exclusive.

What am I missing? The shirts look a little skewed at the bottom and bulge a little in the middle. So what?

The shirts will skew and look funky on the human body whether they are skewed on the shirt or not. On something like this I would tell them sorry but this is acceptable within industry standards. If it was a cicle but looked egg shaped I would understand but a text back that is already pretty much void of straight lines? Come on...


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