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SGIA Headcount and a meeting place
blue moon:
OK, who's confirmed?
Where are we meeting?
p.s. If anybody is interested, I can bring some giveaway samples of the competition prints or some other work. I've traded with few ppl on the board and it has always been an educational experience. Maybe we can even get together and talk about some issues we have. I have two prints we run pretty regularly that are giving me a lot of grief (spot 4 color and a sim 7 color). It would nice to have somebody else look at it and see if they can give some suggestions.
I'll definitely be there all three days. I'm looking forward to meeting many of you because although I haven't been active in posting, I am a longtime lurker and have read many of the posts for the past few years.
I will be driving in some time on Wednesday.
John W
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