"He who marches out of step hears another drum." ~ Ken Kesey
If it's not posted, it's not trespassing? Really? I guess my question is do you own it? If not it's trespassing, unless you have the owner's permission to be on it.
I don't see how it would matter 1 acre, a living room or my 110 acres.If you ain't supposed to be there, and YOU do not own it, get off it.Size makes no difference.
Clark don't be such a prude. I was defending the uptight landowner as you decided I was.Your little hunting thing sounds like years of its OK.In the south and I'm sure many other places, not making money of invading hunters on the scale you speak of.We just do not want you on our place.SO If You Don't Own It Keep Off.Is that simple enough for ya to understand..
Sometimes I think (hope) things get lost in "translation". If only we could make eye contact while posting.
Quote from: Fresh Baked Printing (bkd001) on April 30, 2011, 10:49:19 AMSometimes I think (hope) things get lost in "translation". If only we could make eye contact while posting.I was recently chastised for not including LOL disclaimers or emoticons in some communications in a business matter. It reminded me that I often take for granted that the other party either knows us by know, understands us, or can automatically understand the intent rather than just the content.It's a brave new world out there now with this type of communication slowly phasing out voice, with it's intonations and expression.Though many say that the new method and style is pushing real writing skills to the back, I hope that, texting notwithstanding, it will actually force some to expand vocabulary and develop clearer writing skills.I can dream can't I? lol! ;D