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The Affordable Design Studio is here!
Try our Design Studio FREE for 1 month!
No Contract, No Commitment, Cancel Anytime!
$29/Month, FREE Setup, FREE Hosting and FREE Support!
Built and Supported in USA. Boston, MA
Click the link below to check out the LIVE DEMO
How affordable is our Design Studio?
One good size job pays for itself for a year:
50 T-shirts (1 Color Front, 1 Color Back)
Gross profit ~ $455
Less the cost of shirts ~ $100
$355 net profit
1 year of our Design Studio $348 (Paid in FULL for 1 Year!)
Contact us at 800-970-1774 or email
So when the customer creates the image using this software, how is the artwork sent to us?
Is it vector artwork sent to us or is it's a JPG file mockup and a list of the clipart file name and font file names that were used so that we have to actually recreate the artwork ourselves?
How mobile friendly is it? 98% of the people visiting our website are on a phone usually.
Doug S:
I asked if you could add artwork for customers to use. They said starting next week you can but there will be a fee.
Looks really good.
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