General > Introduction

Hello everyone!

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I joined this forum at the suggestion of u/BACjc. We're a 40 person shop, with three Roq presses, an American Cameo clamshell press, and a sew team. We got into fulfillment at the start of the pandemic, taking advantage of the fundraiser model. That side, along with our own online sales has skyrocketed in terms of sales. We also have a record store within our retail space, so lots going on. The company has been around since 2008 and I've been here since May 2016.

I'm here to learn from y'all, and offer any advice I can to someone in a bind.

Welcome. This is a great community!


FSG is good people, glad to have y'all on board!

Always room for one more! ;D

Great to have you aboard.  Sounds like you have a good thing going there!   I wa advice dot get into fulfillment last year. Not something I can do, but it’s good to see you are doing well with it.


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