Computers and Software > Raster and Vector Manipulation Programs, and How to Do Stuff in Them.

Illustrator question

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This file was created on a pretty new version of Illustrator......Are you using a current version to open it?....Or has it gone through an older version somewhere along the line?...Or has it been saved to a PDF outside of Illustrator?...

We found it! On the right side, using the direct selection tool (hollow arrow) click on the point; there are 2 "handles"; move the lower one up, to adjust it to the same curve, and the problem is gone. Holy poop!


This is something pretty common in Corel. Node issues I mean.

When ever I have something goofy going on the first thing I try is to select all nodes and reverse direction, that works often. If that fails I look for an offending node and edit it, if that fails I just start nudging nodes around to whatever the issue is goes away.

I'm running 2020, I guess I'll just upgrade. We've been running Illustrator for almost 30 years, and though I don't claim to be expert, I do know my way around it pretty well. I'll just chalk it up to "I learned something new today" and move on. Thanks all for your input.


OK, I had also written to Astute Graphics, we use Vector First Aid, which didn't touch it, and I got reply this morning. In Preferences, under performance, I unchecked GPU, and the problem is gone. I think that was pretty nice of them to figure that out for me. I'm still doing the upgrade though. I thought people would want to know.



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