Computers and Software > Online Stores
Order My Gear ISSUES
anyone else having issues with items like the 18500 with double sizing, additional pricing, additional pricing on certain colors, wrong pictures... They really need to lay off on the updates, the new store layout feature is about as useful as Corel updates, they SUCK. We are not web designers, they are over complicating something that used to be so simple... do not recommend them anymore.
--- Quote from: Homer on September 22, 2022, 10:57:24 AM ---anyone else having issues with items like the 18500 with double sizing, additional pricing, additional pricing on certain colors, wrong pictures... They really need to lay off on the updates, the new store layout feature is about as useful as Corel updates, they SUCK. We are not web designers, they are over complicating something that used to be so simple... do not recommend them anymore.
--- End quote ---
We only have a half dozen stores, so I don't pay much attention to their updates, usually too busy putting out other fires. I think I'll stay as simple as we can, putting my prices in manually and printing out the Product report to order from, and the Student/whatever report to pack the order. So far, so good, I'll try to stay away from the "shiny objects" they show me...
right, I'm not buying into any of the additional features they offer. I'm talking about just a plain old store. Add a g18500 to your store and look at the color and size options. It has additional fees tacked on to each color and the sizes are listed twice... something screwy is going on...
I have seen it a few times and it is a glitch to where someone added it 2 or 3 times to the system. My big thing that I did was build a store template for each sport, and each school we do. then when a school need a store just pull up my template and customize the products which I have already priced and selected. just need to add artwork and such. we love the stores this year alone we have done close to 100k through them have close to 10-15 stores open at a time. it is a big pain in the ass but we do charge much higher for every product we sell on there $3-$5 sometimes.
The prebuilt store is nice but just 1 company and, in our stores, we have sometime items coming from 3-4 different vendors.
wish the fees were smaller though
I emailed OMG about the 18500, here's their response:
"Thank you for letting us know about the issues with 18500. Since this product was added to OMG via an automated feed or import, we cannot manually fix it but we are already looking into correcting this one. We'll need to get updated data from the manufacturer/distributor and that generally takes a while."
if anyone comes across more jacked up products, let them know. I see the G5400B is messed up too...
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