screen printing > Equipment

Machine Feelings

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Has anyone else ever noticed the phenomenon of when you go to replace a machine or part of any type
that it suddenly starts acting right? It is the strangest thing and I've seen it across literally everything,
from the smallest valve to an entire dryer. I'm putting together a new comp today and I'll be gosh darned
if this old one suddenly doesn't seem snappier, and the network bug I'm largely replacing it for
(occasionally won't see NAS) is gone.

Also as a reminder to mostly myself, machine failures are not always the catastrophic events we expect them to be.
Our compressor has well over 50k hours on it and while humming along nicely, I can guarantee it isn't as efficient
as when new. Luckily we have a new one on the rack. I think I'll go threaten the old one with replacement and
see what it does.

Isn't this similar to the engine noise that refuses to appear to the mechanic to whom you just brought your car?

not so much new parts but there is a HUGE difference when it's CLEAN... I want my stuff showroom condition, all the time. No lint, glue, ink, nothing. Wipe it down, lube it up, check for loose bolts. My main printer is famous for saying "well it was working fine yesterday", it wasn't you just ignored it... I do know you have to talk nice to it when it's giving you fits............ Except for head 3 on one of my Barudan's, that emm effer can go eff itself....


--- Quote from: Frog on September 15, 2023, 02:58:38 PM ---Isn't this similar to the engine noise that refuses to appear to the mechanic to whom you just brought your car?

--- End quote ---
I would assume, yes, but I'd never bring anything to a mechanic haha.

--- Quote from: Homer on September 15, 2023, 03:01:22 PM ---I do know you have to talk nice to it when it's giving you fits............ Except for head 3 on one of my Barudan's, that emm effer can go eff itself....

--- End quote ---

Extremely true. I'm constantly telling the lady that she doesn't have to beat it like a lawn mower.
Not that she's capable or has ever even used a lawn mower but the point stands. Finesse is vital.
That is, until, that yes sir no sir chit goes out the window and the gloves come off and the torch comes out.

If it's every needle on the one head look at the rotary hook. Another wear item that doesn't fail catastrophically,
but will cause you misery. Or just threaten it with replacement for good measure.

Not feeling well, make a doctor's appointment, suddenly, an hour before the appointment, everything is fine...



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