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Artists lose first copyright battle against AI

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I'm torn.  I know we are now in it. It's not going away and we either embrace or get left behind. So I'm learning it.  It IS indeed amazing.

The thing that I don't like about it is that the machine that fed it up to this point, was all of us creative people. Illustrators, graphic designers, Photographers, writers etc. Over the years we put it outthere not knowing that one day, it will be sourced by a machine, a program and we created the demise of the human artist. They should call it Cyberdyne.
We fed the animal that grew to one day eat us alive.  Illustration will be dead (for the most part). Then we will be relying on the regurgitated creations of the current data stock that it has to pull from.
The new and creative Illustrations will stop flowing and all that we will have (for the most part) is the AI regenerated version of the creations IT came up with.


--- Quote from: mk162 on January 15, 2024, 11:29:28 AM ---
--- Quote from: ebscreen on January 12, 2024, 06:23:25 PM ---I also welcome the further de-souling of humanity.

--- End quote ---

Social Media was only the beginning of this trend.

--- End quote ---

People always ask me why I'm not on social media and I say "because it's the downfall of civilization" and
then they laugh, agree with me, and go back to browsing instagram.

This is why I always say in 50 years a kid will find an old manual press in a storage unit with a book by Scott Fresner or someone and watch YouTube videos on the "old" interent about Winterland Productions and learn how to manually print. This kid will then become an artist celebrity and hand print shirts and whatnot for whoever is famous. Then someone will start a line of manual presses and so forth. Granted, it won't be cool as now but peoples attention span by then will either be far shorter or waaaay longer since WW3 destroyed a lot of stuff.


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