General > Wilflex Inks

Hey Nazdar -----

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T Shirt1:
PLEASE stop using those gosh darned foam peanuts for packing.  The last order we had we taped the box closed, put it in a bag of trash and put that bag toward the bottom of the dumpster. A dumpster diver sniffed it out and Monday morning the peanuts were all over the place. 


I agree that peanuts, both the plastic and natural ones are a pain, but I save them for reuse in a large garbage bag or two, and when I get too many, the local copy/mailbox/shipping store loves the donation.

I also save them. 

My friend is a glass blower - he ships all over and is happy to take all my "used" packing peanuts.

Ive also heard them referred to as "cargo cashews"

I get lots of boxes with peanuts in them.......Although they are a PITA, I would hate to see what the contents and/or boxes would look like it they were shipped without them....

Every October I fill up my sisters car, pool, door ways or whatever I can with them. It always is the start of the fall pranks in our family. Other than that I think it is terrible they can't use a more eco friendly packing? Ryonet also goes crazy with them they should have a ship back program

Sent  from samsung gem(the worst smart phone ever)


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