screen printing > Screen Making

eighty screens in eighty minutes (DTS cons and pros)

<< < (60/60)

I'm with ya screenprintguy, any unit will perform well in almost any environment, no need to shy away from either technology I'd say.   Pick which unit/brand you like and enjoy, any of them beat an epson and film. 

However, I would have to disagree that M&R built the i image "ground up", it's clearly based upon the lawson, right down to the rip, and that core unit is clearly made by another group apart from both those companies.  Same goes for the Olec, Douthitt, Kiwo I-jet I Exile Spyder I and II- basic chassis and setup is made by one company in all cases.  It's what each company downstream does to improve, develop and support their model that makes the difference between them.   So with that said I do agree that that's where the M&R shines- service.   But it's not like they invented it, none of the offerings were ground up built that I'm aware of but were heavily re-built and improved in some cases.  If they were truly built from scratch they'd likely cost even more than they do now. 

Your available offerings in the 60k cts range right now boil down to:

Lawson/M&R Ricoh printhead ink units, 1200dpi (is that the max?), 1-3 printheads

Douthitt/Exile Fuji printhead wax units, 600dpi (current functional max res), 1 printhead, bi-d option on Exile units.

Kiwo XTS Xerox printhead wax units  1200dpi max, 1 printhead, not sure about bi-d but with 880 nozzles might not be necessary.  Another major brand will be offering a version of it as well, not sure if either are out of beta yet or not.

blue moon:

--- Quote from: ZooCity on December 01, 2016, 02:45:49 PM ---I'm with ya screenprintguy, any unit will perform well in almost any environment, no need to shy away from either technology I'd say.   Pick which unit/brand you like and enjoy, any of them beat an epson and film. 

However, I would have to disagree that M&R built the i image "ground up", it's clearly based upon the lawson, right down to the rip, and that core unit is clearly made by another group apart from both those companies.  Same goes for the Olec, Douthitt, Kiwo I-jet I Exile Spyder I and II- basic chassis and setup is made by one company in all cases.  It's what each company downstream does to improve, develop and support their model that makes the difference between them.   So with that said I do agree that that's where the M&R shines- service.   But it's not like they invented it, none of the offerings were ground up built that I'm aware of but were heavily re-built and improved in some cases.  If they were truly built from scratch they'd likely cost even more than they do now. 

Your available offerings in the 60k cts range right now boil down to:

Lawson/M&R Ricoh printhead ink units, 1200dpi (is that the max?), 1-3 printheads

Douthitt/Exile Fuji printhead wax units, 600dpi (current functional max res), 1 printhead, bi-d option on Exile units.

Kiwo XTS Xerox printhead wax units  1200dpi max, 1 printhead, not sure about bi-d but with 880 nozzles might not be necessary.  Another major brand will be offering a version of it as well, not sure if either are out of beta yet or not.

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I started printing films with a Xerox wax printer and the problem I was running into was that the ink deposit was domed and made the edges thin enough to let the light through. Obviously, this was with regular wax rather than UV blocking stuff designed to burn screens, but it is something I would look into before buying.
On the other hand, any (most? all?) inkjet printers use ink that dries in the heads and requires higher humidity to avoid clogging. This automatically takes it out of the dark room as they need to be operated at lower relative humidity. If your CTS needs to go into the the dark room, this could be a problem.


Maybe I'm just lucky, but all three CTS machines I've had have been in my screen room/darkroom. Right now, and for the last eight years I have been running a wax machine (and three years previously in another location), and for the last three (?) I have been running an ink machine as well, all in my screen room. I do try to control the temperature and humidity throughout the year. I can say though, that I have never experienced  clogs worth mentioning. Maybe a few purges and auto cleans, but beyond that, no problems. Again, maybe it's just a dumb guy's luck. It is a balancing act trying to keep humidity stable, and temps where I want them during cold dry winter months and hot humid summer months. I have an in wall PTAC unit for A/C and heat, a dehumidifier, and yes, even a humidifier. So it can all be done in the same my shop.


--- Quote from: blue moon on December 01, 2016, 03:14:12 PM ---On the other hand, any (most? all?) inkjet printers use ink that dries in the heads and requires higher humidity to avoid clogging. This automatically takes it out of the dark room as they need to be operated at lower relative humidity. If your CTS needs to go into the the dark room, this could be a problem.


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I had thought the same thing Pierre. I had asked in a thread a while back because we were putting our CTS 4' from the whole room dehumidifier. Both Dan and I I believe Mr. Hoffman chimed in and said there was nothing to worry about.

my CTS stays in a low humidity room running a/c and dehumidifier, as long as you cap the head after use, you shouldn't have problems. I can't say this for the EPSON units as they do it differently but with the ST Richo head units, cap it and you are good.


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