Industry regulations > OSHA


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--- Quote from: tonypep on December 20, 2012, 07:13:33 AM ---Got a suprise visit from the Government Tues. Having survived Disney audits and the like we are pretty compliant physically however in my absense the previous PM collected samples of just about everything. While most are not in use turns out if it's in the bldg you must have the MSDS docs to back it up or you must dispose of it. One call to Nazdar and I had practically everything in minutes so hats off to them for that.
Theres a lot more to mention (Lockout/Tagout, PPE, Emergency exit plans, needle disposal containers,etc) but to be of interest to most is that, per OSHA, absolutely no container can be without a copy of the MFGRs label with identity and hazard information

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Tony:  Thanks so much for taking the time to recognize the good work of Nazdar’s Regulatory Compliance / Health & Safety Team.  This group is a great resource for the Nazdar Company, and the customers we serve.  I’m sure they will get a great lift reading your post.  I’m glad that you were successful in getting most of the other issues taken care of as well. 

No problem where it's due.
Another tidbit I forgot to mention about respirators. If you provide them without implementing a Respiratory Protection Program well then....That's a Paddlin'.
You will get cited for this. The company must provide proper testing, fitting and annual medical evaluation. All of this must be documented and kept in the employee file.
Oh and no facial hair.

Peter I forgot to mention I was recieving e-mails with MSDS attachments before I was even off the phone with the rep! It was Norm.

Are their different requirements depending on how many employees you have?

No not to my knowledge. Also there is no sharing of respirators. Nother Paddlin'


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