screen printing > 4 Color and Simulated Process Printing

5 color Sim-Process w/ Discharge

(1/4) > >>

1.) Discharge Underbase (No Flash)
2.) PMS 136 Golden Yellow
3.) PMS 179 Red Orange
4.) Burgandy
5.) Black

All colors printed wet on wet.

(P.S. Sorry about quality of print pic, took with a cell phone. The other is the pre-press proof with halftones.)

Hey, looky at that.  Great stuff. WET ON WET?   WOW that makes me....happy. We don't need no stink'n FLASHES.

According to Union Ink's destructions, flashing the "Plasticharge" will stop the discharge process (or slow it down) I wanted to get as much white as I could. Printing wet on wet inks allowed more time for the discharge to work, as well as help the halftones blend better! I'm extremely happy with it.

1 drawback: The EXTREMELY long exposure time for the special discharge emulsion. 10 minutes. Ugh!

blue moon:
Very cool!

quick question, why discharge and which emulsion did you use?




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