screen printing > 4 Color and Simulated Process Printing

5 color Sim-Process w/ Discharge

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--- Quote from: blue moon on April 07, 2011, 11:34:18 PM ---Very cool!

quick question, why discharge and which emulsion did you use?


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To answer Pierre's question:
I wanted to use discharge in order to avoid the top ink colors acting like skaters on an ice rink.
Also, customer wanted a vintage/destroyed look, as well as a softer finish.

I used Chromaline emulsion.

Here's a better image of the final print. By the way, I washed the shirt. Forgive the wrinkly-ness.

And for those of you who are wondering what I started out's the customer provided cell phone art.

That looks great, nice job on the art.

Are those plastisol inks on a discharge base or all discharge colors?

blue moon:
Ann, the stuff looks great! Do you have any more you could share?



--- Quote from: coopersdesign on April 07, 2011, 04:39:24 PM ---
1 drawback: The EXTREMELY long exposure time for the special discharge emulsion. 10 minutes. Ugh!

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What exposure source are you using? I have a 1200w metal halide and I'm at much less than 2 minutes for any screen. I use Ulano 925WR and some newer CCI stuff, WR-25.

Nice print by the way. Is it straight plastisol on top of the discharge?


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