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As i'm sitting here, battleing through getting this set up, realizing that every year i'm going to have to spend a month setting up pricelists, I'm wondering of the shops that use this, what vendors are you using it with?

I use so much American Apparel, Alternative Apparel, and small labels like cygnus and Pima, that i feel i'm wasting my time trying to format this correctly, as even my TSC vendor list doesn't have ALL the American Apparel products i buy.

So for the shops that use this, do you have a dedicated person working on this? Are you using standard vendors and standard tees?

Denis Kolar:
I just punch in my own pricing for items when I work on the quote.
I have Sanmar Price list, and I have never used it because it comes up with some ridiculous numbers.

I do the same thing as Dennis. I do this to tack the true cost of the goods. Since I dont pay the price listed on those files I need it to be as accurate as possible.

that is why I use priceit...he has the up to date vendor catalogs ready for download...yeah it is a monthly subscription but it is up to date and easy to use.

yeah, but a lot of the items on websites now aren't in the pricelists.  I run into this with bodek, TSC and NES with their drop ship programs.

t-quoter pricelists are dang easy to make.

the worst pricelists are from Tri-mountain since they have so many oversized shirts and they group the together in the excel file.


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