Artist > Art for free/trade/donation


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Hey Dan,
no problems here I can dig it and knew this issue would come up. The art I supplied was created with a million painful clicks of my mouse and I suppose someone could find a dart board like the one I created but I actually drew every freaking pie piece (once) in there and lined it all up and added circles. The dart started as  an abstract pencil sketch from somewhere but I must confess I most likely got a five finger discount on the shamrocks ;) 

At the end of he day this stuff has moose antler scrapings all over it the DNA is all mine and I freely offer it for commercial and private use with no strings attached.

I draw and vector a lot of stuff.. but it does not just happen to pop into my head, it comes from somewhere... I had a graphic design instructor who held a special class on Creativity... back when we still had Blackboards... On the board in big letters he wrote "HIDE YOUR SOURCE" so when we create and call it our own because we drew it. maybe, just maybe, some of it will look like someone elses art.. I did a barrel racer for a customer and used art that I created about 1994, the customer says I am not paying you for clip art.. Obviously I said clip art?  He said ya you can find that on the web here... gave me an address.. after conversing they admitted they had pulled if from a shirt and took it down.. so bottom line I have lot of art but never did a mooseman quite post in that file sharing thing sneaks up on you constantly.. and I think frog already got after me once for posting a similar post about swapping art with fellow board members..? But if it is ok with the forum and ok with Mooseman I might contribute..

Ya simply have to make sure (ALL parts of what you submit are yours).  If there is any question, like maybe you can't remember since it was 20 years ago, then I'd not submit.

Are you saying I have been doing this too long and my memory is failing me?  Do you have any nice vector things you can let me have.. If I promise not to use them.. I drew this attachment for a big company in 1996 but cannot remember who?  Can you fill me in..  I obviously would never use it or sell it because I cannot remember where it came from.. Senility is hell..

That was a Mickey Mouse example


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