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Equipment / Re: Exposure unit recommendations.
« Last post by Evo on July 25, 2024, 03:04:03 PM »
Used M&R MSP 3140 exposure units (and most any single point metal halide units) are going for next to nothing these days. If you are still on film these are fantastic units and you can dial in your exposure and lock it in with the built in integrator.
Just to make sure I'm looking at the correct model, these are 110 volt?

I had one that was 120V, 18 amp. If I recall the transformer wiring inside can be swapped around for different inlet voltages.
Private listings / Re: Like new 6 color workhorse Sabre
« Last post by scott316 on July 25, 2024, 02:41:25 PM »
Asking 33k. I have a few videos available if you need.
Equipment / Re: Exposure unit recommendations.
« Last post by farmboygraphics on July 25, 2024, 08:52:41 AM »
If you don't have the power, this is all a moot point

I've got plenty of juice here.  :D
Are there any sellers I should stay away from? I remember a big dust up with one a few years ago.
Equipment / Re: Exposure unit recommendations.
« Last post by bimmridder on July 25, 2024, 08:41:07 AM »
My Olec light is 208/230. Choose which you need on a toggle on power supply. I'm guessing you may not have that much power to spare?.
If you want to start going deeper, look at the emulsion you use to see what the optimum wave length is for exposure. I believe most are between 280 and 325 nm. Make sure your light peaks in that area. Olec has different lamps to meet your needs.

If you look around, you may find a used one for a good price. With an integrator is best. If you don't have the power, this is all a moot point

Equipment / Re: Exposure unit recommendations.
« Last post by farmboygraphics on July 25, 2024, 07:53:41 AM »
Used M&R MSP 3140 exposure units (and most any single point metal halide units) are going for next to nothing these days. If you are still on film these are fantastic units and you can dial in your exposure and lock it in with the built in integrator.
Just to make sure I'm looking at the correct model, these are 110 volt?
Equipment / Re: Exposure unit recommendations.
« Last post by brandon on July 24, 2024, 09:41:49 PM »
Get the Saati single point LED bulb. They have two versions, both are great and will more than do the job depending on your needs / half tones / amount of presses and so forth. Get the little digital timer they sell with it. For a couple of grand you will have top of the line single point LED system that you can install anywhere. As an example for a friend we took it into the employee bathroom and turned the lights off and exposed a CTS screen. You can build a box, put it on the wall, take the bulb out of your 3140 and put this one (not using the 3140's electrical, bypass that) and all sort of options. You will save around 6 or 7K instead of purchasing a Starlight and any Ryonet option
Equipment / Re: Exposure unit recommendations.
« Last post by Evo on July 24, 2024, 08:03:38 PM »
Used M&R MSP 3140 exposure units (and most any single point metal halide units) are going for next to nothing these days. If you are still on film these are fantastic units and you can dial in your exposure and lock it in with the built in integrator.

Don't shear the emulsion when coating! Consistent angle and speed are key. I would tilt in until max emulsion contact is made without pushing the ends of the coater into the mesh. Coat at the same rate on every stroke.

Do a step-wedge test for every emulsion/mesh combo. Print the step wedge *on the same exact film* you use for imaging. Forget the single exposure test with neutral density filters. Step wedging will give you more accuracy as the light passes through the same film you use every day.

They are easy to make. do a 1-2" wide strip of art with various font sizes and halftones, down as fine as you typically use. Repeat it 5-10 times across a film. Expose each strip at a fraction of the estimated exposure. (a large card or envelope to block the strips at each step)

So say a given exposure is a "minute". Do 6 exposures of 10 seconds. The exposure that holds detail without pinching it off is your friend. It should stand up to vigorous development, press use, and reclaim easy.
Equipment / Re: Exposure unit recommendations.
« Last post by Atownsend on July 24, 2024, 04:00:17 PM »
Some good vacuum will help your setup a lot. Vac frames are out there still. Vacuum is a must if using positives. Will see a huge improvement just with that.
Equipment / Re: Exposure unit recommendations.
« Last post by mk162 on July 24, 2024, 01:15:36 PM »
I may be old school but I prefer a single point light source, even if it's an LED bulb conversion.

We run a 7500w Amergraph we picked up for like $500. Check used places, and check industrial overstock companies like HGR.
Equipment / Re: Exposure unit recommendations.
« Last post by 3Deep on July 24, 2024, 12:10:41 PM »
I almost bought a starlight, but an old buddy of mine showed me how to upgrade my Atlas Exposure unit with an LED light when I couldn't find bulbs for it anymore, cost me 150 bucks, so you might can get an older unit pretty cheap and convert it if your looking to save a few coins.
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