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General Embroidery / Re: I need help if anyone knows..
« Last post by mk162 on April 10, 2024, 01:35:20 PM »
A lot of these machines run on boards as well.  Our swf was notorious for losing the connection on the boards.  I know SWF and Barudan makes the boards easy to access with a couple screws on the front, we would just unscrew the boards, unplug them, wait a few seconds and reseat them.  I'd check there as well, if it's easy to access.
General Embroidery / Re: I need help if anyone knows..
« Last post by ebscreen on April 10, 2024, 01:29:43 PM »
If the machine is otherwise starting up/operating normally it's *just* a display issue.
Those style of screens commonly use what's called a zebra connector that are notorious for losing the plot.
You can try pushing firmly on the four sides of the screen bezel and see if you get any display back.
If it works you can open the controller and see if you can wedge something behind the connector to apply pressure
while you order a replacement display.
General Embroidery / I need help if anyone knows..
« Last post by whitewater on April 10, 2024, 11:02:54 AM »
What's going on in this pic? Just happened this morning on startup.

Im sure it won't be cheap.

General Heat Seal / Re: DTF Cancer risk?
« Last post by Atownsend on April 10, 2024, 08:54:37 AM »
The reclaim chems have come such a long way. Really thankful for all of the progress in that department. When I first started I remember using gallons of that caustic haze remover that would split a 110 if you left it on there too long.

Just wish we could get away from spray tack, screen opener, and spot fluid. We avoid as much as possible but we cant ever eliminate them it seems.

I put a pair of powermatic filters under each press last year, seeing what gets sucked up into those was a real eye opener for us all.
General Heat Seal / Re: tape for heat pressing patches
« Last post by Maxie on April 10, 2024, 08:31:52 AM »
This is what I bought, comes in different widths and works well.    Really cheap
General Heat Seal / Re: DTF Cancer risk?
« Last post by Nation03 on April 10, 2024, 08:11:29 AM »
That's enough for me to stay away from it going forward. I wear a respirator and gloves when I powder the films but I still feel vulnerable whenever I have to run a DTF job. I'll be 35 next month and I've felt like crap since I was 25. Been in this business since I was 17. Heavily considering learning a new skill and making a career change lol.

If you think DTF is bad, go clean the air filter on your press and dryer, imagine what our lungs look like! Plus all the other chemicals and inks, I don't care what anyone says, discharge is bad news too

Oh I don't doubt it one bit. Plus the first like 5 years or so I entered the business I wasn't provided a respirator for reclaiming screens. Luckily the company I worked for didn't use a ton of screens, but still. I reclaimed for a number of years without protection at a young age so I'm probably already filled with toxic waste lol. I'm like Brooks in Shawshank in the sense that screen printing is all I know. I literally have no other real work experience or higher education. Plus with a mortgage and a kid now I feel like there isn't a realistic exit from this business.
General Heat Seal / Re: DTF Cancer risk?
« Last post by Homer on April 10, 2024, 06:43:25 AM »
That's enough for me to stay away from it going forward. I wear a respirator and gloves when I powder the films but I still feel vulnerable whenever I have to run a DTF job. I'll be 35 next month and I've felt like crap since I was 25. Been in this business since I was 17. Heavily considering learning a new skill and making a career change lol.

If you think DTF is bad, go clean the air filter on your press and dryer, imagine what our lungs look like! Plus all the other chemicals and inks, I don't care what anyone says, discharge is bad news too
General Heat Seal / Re: DTF Cancer risk?
« Last post by Nation03 on April 10, 2024, 06:14:10 AM »
That's enough for me to stay away from it going forward. I wear a respirator and gloves when I powder the films but I still feel vulnerable whenever I have to run a DTF job. I'll be 35 next month and I've felt like crap since I was 25. Been in this business since I was 17. Heavily considering learning a new skill and making a career change lol.
General Discussion and ??? / Re: A wonderful thing has happened...
« Last post by brandon on April 09, 2024, 11:09:08 PM »
Congratulations!!! Run for the hills and enjoy life. You can always come back and nothing will have changed. Except people will want to pay even less and the cost of equipment and inks will be even more! Get out while you can and be happy above all else. You did your time.
Equipment / Re: Work Horse Quartz conveyor dryers... worth it?
« Last post by Evo on April 09, 2024, 06:00:16 PM »
Also, just a general note - moving around equipment, gas lines and power drops is just a given fact of running and growing a shop. Plan on it and locate utility drops where they can easily be accessed for repair, upgrades and relocation even with the equipment in place.
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