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Welcome to TheShirtBoard!

Forum for friendly screen printers, embroiderers and artists.

You've found it! Either by design, or just good luck stumbling across us while surfing the inter-webs. Established in March of 2011 to provide industry members a place to share their love of this crazy business. Without the strife so common on some other forums, The Shirt Board soon developed a reputation as the "go-to" place for discerning shirt decorators wanting to share tips, advice, experiences, and general camaraderie, while avoiding most internet nastiness. Welcoming newbies and old gray-bearded veterans alike, (and all in-between), The Shirt Board is proud to include as members, many industry experts as well as equipment manufacturers, representatives of ink and chemical companies, along with some suppliers, to really help get information straight from the horse's mouth, and avoiding some of the "blind leading the blind" found elsewhere. So, pull up a chair, get ready to read a bunch, and... Play Nice!

* Recent Topics

Fusion Dryer by tonypep
[Yesterday at 01:32:53 PM]

Screen tension is highly overrated :-D by Sbrem
[Yesterday at 09:50:21 AM]

Emulsion for LED? by farmboygraphics
[Yesterday at 08:43:12 AM]

TTN 200 Eko 2 Universal TC LTC Pad Printer by thorntonec
[November 02, 2024, 12:09:51 PM]

anyone here know of athlettia? by balloonguy
[October 30, 2024, 12:17:12 AM]

Brooklyn T1D drive. Please support if you can. by scott316
[October 25, 2024, 04:22:07 PM]

UPS woes by Nation03
[October 24, 2024, 10:17:20 AM]

MOVED: If this isn’t allowed delete by Frog
[October 23, 2024, 06:02:16 PM]

Large hoodie order, any pointers? by Northland
[October 23, 2024, 01:56:54 PM]

Auto Reclaim Water Filtration by ericheartsu
[October 21, 2024, 04:53:04 PM]


February 28, 2020, 09:59:34 AM by Dottonedan
Views: 20447 | Comments: 11

We all know we need to do art proofs of a design a...

lampEffects of vacuum and black light exposure units on the film positives

blue moon
January 16, 2012, 05:34:45 PM by blue moon
Views: 40156 | Comments: 0

If you are using an array of black-lights or other diffuse light source you may find that your abili...

lampCoating Screens for Maximum Effect by Douglas Grigar

blue moon
January 16, 2012, 05:30:04 PM by blue moon
Views: 44101 | Comments: 0

Coating Screens for Maximum Effect
by Douglas Grigar, Master Screen Printer

xxThings to consider before approaching big business.

blue moon
January 16, 2012, 05:28:24 PM by blue moon
Views: 43626 | Comments: 0

Written by Dan Campbell, Dot Tone Designs

This article covers some of t...

xxHow to evaluate the cure of plastisol inks by Jeff Proctor

blue moon
January 16, 2012, 05:18:01 PM by blue moon
Views: 34591 | Comments: 0


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post Re: Fusion Dryer
Yesterday at 01:32:53 PM
post Re: Fusion Dryer
Yesterday at 01:23:37 PM
post Re: Fusion Dryer
Yesterday at 10:36:33 AM
post Re: Fusion Dryer
Yesterday at 09:56:29 AM
post Re: Screen tension is highly overrated :-D
[4 Color and Simulated Process Printing]
Yesterday at 09:50:21 AM

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