screen printing => Ink and Chemicals => Topic started by: TheInkJedi on August 16, 2019, 07:51:22 AM

Title: Shimmer as a foil adhesive
Post by: TheInkJedi on August 16, 2019, 07:51:22 AM
So here's a random question for you all. Has anyone ever used a Shimmer ink as a foil adhesive?

While playing around with some Crown Leaf Foil we found that after a double stroke of Shimmer we could get the foil to adhere without X-glue or other foil adhesives. In fairness, we didn't realize x-glue screen (long, hot day) and did not wash test the end result.

Before messing around more, I wanted a sounding on if this is a bad idea going forward or if it could save us a little coin in the long run.
Title: Re: Shimmer as a foil adhesive
Post by: Zelko-4-EVA on August 16, 2019, 08:14:31 AM
ive not used a shimmer as a foil adhesive but have used a powder by Crescent Bronze mixed into Rutland Thermoline Clear as a foil adhesive.

i havent used this method in 20 years though.  we just use wilflex HD clear 2.

Title: Re: Shimmer as a foil adhesive
Post by: zanegun08 on August 16, 2019, 12:52:52 PM
I prefer to use silver or gold metallic plastisol and then foil rather than just foil adhesive.

A few benefits, when the print is being done you can actually see it.

When the foil washes off as it will eventually, you are left with gold / silver below, rather than just clearish glue.

Also without a perfect foil adhesion the end result is usually pretty good as the remainder is showing through gold

This of course doesn't work for specialty foils, but gold and silver I've been doing this for years with good results.  I'd say it maybe doesn't end up quite as smooth and as "brilliant" as straight foil adhesive, but the pro's outweigh the cons in my opinion on making a product for better longevity.
Title: Re: Shimmer as a foil adhesive
Post by: RICK STEFANICK on August 17, 2019, 10:55:09 AM
Using shimmer is a TP trick. He has done it for years.
Title: Re: Shimmer as a foil adhesive
Post by: tonypep on August 17, 2019, 10:59:22 AM
Actually shimmer with a top coat clear HD works best IMO
Title: Re: Shimmer as a foil adhesive
Post by: Ross_S on August 18, 2019, 09:51:36 AM
Clear HD works great by itself as an adhesive for foil.  Plus you can tint it so it matches the foil some what.  Plus i think the HD is rather cheap in comparison so the shimmers and jewel tones (I think)
Title: Re: Shimmer as a foil adhesive
Post by: TheInkJedi on August 22, 2019, 09:14:06 AM
Thanks everyone for your feed back... even if you took away my "Mad Scientist" vibe. LOL
But seriously, much appreciated.