General => General Discussion and ??? => Topic started by: sweetts on December 28, 2011, 08:36:57 PM

Title: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: sweetts on December 28, 2011, 08:36:57 PM
A list of what I learned this year that I was unaware of last year.

1. Wood Frames, BAD BAD BAD

2. You need at least a rough business plan. (I did not think it was that valuable, I was wrong)

3. Figure out a price list then,,,, STICK TO THE LIST!!

4. All white ink is NOT the same.

5. 2012 marketing  plan will not include Children's sports leagues, wedding singers or funeral homes.

6. If you want the sale you need to ask for it. Ask for it several times.

7. Sales is more about building a network of contacts with a need or a perceived need and less about telling everyone in the world what you do.

8. Blind mailers are a huge waste of money and effort. See #7

9. Thumb prints on the shoulder will probably never become a fashion statement.

10. NEVER EVER EVER EVER use discharge ink in a house ever.

There are a few more but you get the idea, just starting out there is a lot to learn and being part of this forum has greatly reduced the learning curve thanks.
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: spotcolorsupply on December 28, 2011, 08:44:41 PM
Great list...

#7 is my favorite  ;)
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: beanie357 on December 28, 2011, 09:00:07 PM
Whee!! I like 'em all.

How about:
Have your forms and work flow plan ready BEFORE your open house? :-[

Even old dogs miss a trick.  :'(  But I remembered the videographer! :)
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: sweetts on December 28, 2011, 09:39:41 PM
nice keep em coming
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: mooseman on December 29, 2011, 05:47:28 AM
it is hard to learn at my age not because I am smart but because I get dense and narrow minded as I get older....

here are some of the lessions that stuck to me this year..
#1 customers believe shirts are always cheaper on the internet, I should get a web site so my prices LOOK LOWER
#2 the new customer that stands before you bashing their last printed will soon be standing somewhere else and bashing guess who.....
#3 ladies buy shirts like they buy shoes 4 sizes too small to fit correctly
#5 the better you get at something the harder it is to get better at something
#6 everybody knows more about your business than you do
#7 embrace your competition, it will wake you up and make you better at what you do or make you do something your are better at
#8 life is tough get a freakin helmet
#9 adapt....improvise....overcome
# 10 at the end of the day it is just a box of tee shirts get over it

Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: Binkspot on December 29, 2011, 07:28:29 AM
Because you are already late for an appointment, in a fit of rage DO NOT place your water logged cell phone in the microwave to dry it out quicker. >:( 
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: theSignShop on December 29, 2011, 08:05:16 AM
it is hard to learn at my age not because I am smart but because I get dense and narrow minded as I get older....

here are some of the lessions that stuck to me this year..
#1 customers believe shirts are always cheaper on the internet, I should get a web site so my prices LOOK LOWER
#2 the new customer that stands before you bashing their last printed will soon be standing somewhere else and bashing guess who.....
#3 ladies buy shirts like they buy shoes 4 sizes too small to fit correctly
#5 the better you get at something the harder it is to get better at something
#6 everybody knows more about your business than you do
#7 embrace your competition, it will wake you up and make you better at what you do or make you do something your are better at
#8 life is tough get a freakin helmet
#9 adapt....improvise....overcome# 10 at the end of the day it is just a box of tee shirts get over it


I personally like #9...OOoorah! (USMC class of '69)

Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: blue moon on December 29, 2011, 09:58:46 AM
here's what I learned this year:

I was fully expecting that by this time printing part would be smooth sailing. DUH! I've talked to several large companies and they all say that they run into trouble all the time. Some more than others, but still at least 10 times as often as I would expect. In most industries, once you set up the processes, the only thing left to overcome is the efficiency. Not in our field. The staggering amount of variables that have to be controlled, makes it impossible to predict the exact times for production and in some cases the projections are several orders of magnitude off! Yes, it gets better with time, but it is never really solved from what I am being told.
Title: Re: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: sweetts on December 29, 2011, 10:04:48 AM
it is hard to learn at my age not because I am smart but because I get dense and narrow minded as I get older....

here are some of the lessions that stuck to me this year..
#1 customers believe shirts are always cheaper on the internet, I should get a web site so my prices LOOK LOWER
#2 the new customer that stands before you bashing their last printed will soon be standing somewhere else and bashing guess who.....
#3 ladies buy shirts like they buy shoes 4 sizes too small to fit correctly
#5 the better you get at something the harder it is to get better at something
#6 everybody knows more about your business than you do
#7 embrace your competition, it will wake you up and make you better at what you do or make you do something your are better at
#8 life is tough get a freakin helmet
#9 adapt....improvise....overcome
# 10 at the end of the day it is just a box of tee shirts get over it

I need to remember # 10 thats hard

Sent  from samsung gem(the worst smart phone ever)
Title: Re: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: sweetts on December 29, 2011, 10:07:37 AM
Because you are already late for an appointment, in a fit of rage DO NOT place your water logged cell phone in the microwave to dry it out quicker. >:(

Sent  from samsung gem(the worst smart phone ever)
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: Sbrem on December 29, 2011, 01:57:37 PM
Ditto to all of 'em. A new one I heard lately, "respond instead of reacting"

Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: Printficient on December 29, 2011, 06:53:06 PM
I partially disagree with # 1.  Not all applications of wood screens are bad.
 As to # 10 remember you are just putting ink on underwear.
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: Fresh Baked Printing on December 29, 2011, 07:36:31 PM
#10a- It's okay to decline work that is a pita OR the profit margins are too low OR you just don't feel like doing it.
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: Coyote71 on December 29, 2011, 11:12:59 PM
Great lists! Hey Mooseman, I love #8. Is it copyrighted?  ;D Would love to print a few of those. Could be one of my new bestsellers. Here is one to add to the list, new customers are educated beyond thier intellegence. :o
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: mooseman on December 30, 2011, 08:16:07 AM
"Hey Mooseman, I love #8. Is it copyrighted?" 
don't thinhk so I would go for it, if they haul your a$$ into court we will all send you a shirt that says life is tough get a freakin helmet;D
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: inkman996 on December 30, 2011, 08:40:31 AM
here's what I learned this year:

I was fully expecting that by this time printing part would be smooth sailing. DUH! I've talked to several large companies and they all say that they run into trouble all the time. Some more than others, but still at least 10 times as often as I would expect. In most industries, once you set up the processes, the only thing left to overcome is the efficiency. Not in our field. The staggering amount of variables that have to be controlled, makes it impossible to predict the exact times for production and in some cases the projections are several orders of magnitude off! Yes, it gets better with time, but it is never really solved from what I am being told.

I totally agree Pierre the variables in our industry is staggering to say the least.

Any time I hear a guru claim to never have issues because they some how have it all figured out in advance I know is BS. Glad to see most of us still live in the real world.
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: theSignShop on December 30, 2011, 09:24:45 AM
Nothing is ever easy...if it seems easy to you. then you're missing something.
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: Shawn (EIP) on December 30, 2011, 10:11:19 AM
1. I work too hard and don't get paid for it.

(2 - 10) see #1

Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: Homer on December 30, 2011, 10:49:13 AM
#1) it's only money, money is dirty paper. .

#2) time is more important than anything, so close up shop and enjoy life.

#3) don't bring it home.

Title: Re: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: sweetts on December 30, 2011, 12:01:30 PM

#3) don't bring it home.

Crap I need to move my shop  lol

Sent  from samsung gem(the worst smart phone ever)
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: screenxpress on December 30, 2011, 12:11:25 PM
it is hard to learn at my age not because I am smart but because I get dense and narrow minded as I get older....

here are some of the lessions that stuck to me this year..
#1 customers believe shirts are always cheaper on the internet, I should get a web site so my prices LOOK LOWER
#2 the new customer that stands before you bashing their last printed will soon be standing somewhere else and bashing guess who.....
#3 ladies buy shirts like they buy shoes 4 sizes too small to fit correctly
#5 the better you get at something the harder it is to get better at something
#6 everybody knows more about your business than you do
#7 embrace your competition, it will wake you up and make you better at what you do or make you do something your are better at
#8 life is tough get a freakin helmet
#9 adapt....improvise....overcome# 10 at the end of the day it is just a box of tee shirts get over it


I personally like #9...OOoorah! (USMC class of '69)

Thanks.  My son is now a Reservist (CWO2).
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: Shawn (EIP) on December 30, 2011, 12:44:53 PM
#1) it's only money, money is dirty paper. .

#2) time is more important than anything, so close up shop and enjoy life.

#3) don't bring it home.

Too bad the people that want my money don't see things that way... and the vicious cycle continues.
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: Northland on December 30, 2011, 03:55:33 PM
My new rule #1.... don't try to be all things, to all people.
As a part-timer, I need to focus on what I can do well and let the rest of the work go to shops are interested in being FULL SERVICE.
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: GraphicDisorder on December 30, 2011, 04:47:37 PM
This seems fun, here's a few of mine from this year.

1. Unlike what the peanut gallery said, A 2 person shop can easily afford a mid range auto, and can save time with it. 
2. It's easy to use a auto, the learning curve was small.
3. People that claw at you to make a sale, are probably selling you something "less", people that give you a price/info and leave you to decide, are probably selling the better product.  Be smart enough to see that.
4. This industry is really smaller than I thought. 
5. There are only so many hours in the day, hire someone or build a bunk room in the shop.
6. People will show their true colors, give them time. 

Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: Frog on December 30, 2011, 05:37:04 PM
Here's the magic that I learned a few years back that greatly reduced the stress level and helps me sleep though the night, (or at least get back to sleep rather than waking in a sweat and worrying).

When something is out of your control, even if it is not good, don't let it eat you up. What good does that do anyway?

A similar sentiment is in ftembroidery's signature, and also popular with twelve step programs:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: tpitman on December 30, 2011, 06:09:03 PM
it is hard to learn at my age not because I am smart but because I get dense and narrow minded as I get older....

here are some of the lessions that stuck to me this year..
#1 customers believe shirts are always cheaper on the internet, I should get a web site so my prices LOOK LOWER
#2 the new customer that stands before you bashing their last printed will soon be standing somewhere else and bashing guess who.....
#3 ladies buy shirts like they buy shoes 4 sizes too small to fit correctly
#5 the better you get at something the harder it is to get better at something
#6 everybody knows more about your business than you do
#7 embrace your competition, it will wake you up and make you better at what you do or make you do something your are better at
#8 life is tough get a freakin helmet
#9 adapt....improvise....overcome# 10 at the end of the day it is just a box of tee shirts get over it


I personally like #9...OOoorah! (USMC class of '69)

Thanks.  My son is now a Reservist (CWO2).

So, is he home safe, meaning the US, and can he pry that Softail out of your hands? He probably crapped when he saw the odometer, or did you pull what I used to in college when I "rented" a car from the school?
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: screenxpress on December 30, 2011, 10:11:29 PM
No, he's been back all this year....and kept possession of that Softtail, ,lol.   I did get it for a week, but that was it, lol.

We saw him at diner tonight and he rode it to the restaurant.

Being in reserves, he's always eligible for deployment. 
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: Chadwick on December 31, 2011, 03:45:11 AM
10 things I re-learned this year...hmm.
Good lists all. Feeling too cynical to add to it properly.
So, f*ck it.
How about a good tune with a chick in the vid.
Kopek "Love Is Dead" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qr3D0bYrcZY#ws)
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: stitches4815 on December 31, 2011, 09:45:44 AM
"Hey Mooseman, I love #8. Is it copyrighted?" 
don't thinhk so I would go for it, if they haul your a$$ into court we will all send you a shirt that says life is tough get a freakin helmet;D
Sorry Mooseman and Coyote, Denis Leary coined that phrase years ago. 
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: screenxpress on December 31, 2011, 11:05:31 AM
In that case, I would print it, lol. 

I doubt that Denny would care.
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: Fluid on December 31, 2011, 12:40:32 PM
10 things I learned this year

  1.  There are too many people getting into our Industry.
  2.  Everyone thinks they are an artist.
  3.  Too many think they know what they are doing when they have no clue.
  4.  Too many offer their advice when it is wrong int he first place.
  5.  Everyone wants everything for free.
  6.  There is way too much crap being produced in our Industry as of late.
  7.  Everyone thinks they are an artist.
  8.  Helping others doesn't necessary always get a thank you in too many cases.
  9.  Everyone thinks they are an artist.
10.  There is NO easy button for what we do. Contrary to many Noobs beliefs

Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: mooseman on December 31, 2011, 02:28:43 PM
"Hey Mooseman, I love #8. Is it copyrighted?" 
don't thinhk so I would go for it, if they haul your a$$ into court we will all send you a shirt that says life is tough get a freakin helmet;D
Sorry Mooseman and Coyote, Denis Leary coined that phrase years ago.

i knew somone would bring that up about leary but there are a lot of people who lay claim to that quote in one version or another.
i would guess dennis was the first to successfully hijack it.
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: Homer on December 31, 2011, 03:48:45 PM
10 things I learned this year

  1.  There are too many people getting into our Industry.
  2.  Everyone thinks they are an artist.
  3.  Too many think they know what they are doing when they have no clue.
  4.  Too many offer their advice when it is wrong int he first place.
  5.  Everyone wants everything for free.
  6.  There is way too much crap being produced in our Industry as of late.
  7.  Everyone thinks they are an artist.
  8.  Helping others doesn't necessary always get a thank you in too many cases.
  9.  Everyone thinks they are an artist.
10.  There is NO easy button for what we do. Contrary to many Noobs beliefs

this x10. . plus one more. .
11) people expect things handed to them on a platter instead of learning how to do it themselves. . . who is you to think you get it for free?
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: sweetts on January 01, 2012, 12:40:13 AM
10 things I learned this year

  1.  There are too many people getting into our Industry.
  2.  Everyone thinks they are an artist.
  3.  Too many think they know what they are doing when they have no clue.
  4.  Too many offer their advice when it is wrong int he first place.
  5.  Everyone wants everything for free.
  6.  There is way too much crap being produced in our Industry as of late.
  7.  Everyone thinks they are an artist.
  8.  Helping others doesn't necessary always get a thank you in too many cases.
  9.  Everyone thinks they are an artist.
10.  There is NO easy button for what we do. Contrary to many Noobs beliefs

Here's number 11 & 12
11.  Competition breads innovation.
12.   REAL artists are narcissist  LOL   jk
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: Fresh Baked Printing on January 01, 2012, 01:10:14 PM
10 things I learned this year

  1.  There are too many people getting into our Industry.

The barrier to entry is pretty dang low but holy crap, the number of t-shirts waiting for a print is mind boggling! Remove China from the equation...
Title: Re: Ten things I learned This Year
Post by: Command-Z on January 01, 2012, 01:32:40 PM
10 things I learned this year

  1.  There are too many people getting into our Industry.
  2.  Everyone thinks they are an artist.
  3.  Too many think they know what they are doing when they have no clue.
  4.  Too many offer their advice when it is wrong int he first place.
  5.  Everyone wants everything for free.
  6.  There is way too much crap being produced in our Industry as of late.
  7.  Everyone thinks they are an artist.
  8.  Helping others doesn't necessary always get a thank you in too many cases.
  9.  Everyone thinks they are an artist.
10.  There is NO easy button for what we do. Contrary to many Noobs beliefs

You know as well as I do, you didn't learn ANY of this in the past year... you've known all of it since you got in to this business!