Computers and Software => Raster and Vector Manipulation Programs, and How to Do Stuff in Them. => Topic started by: Northland on January 07, 2012, 11:55:04 AM

Title: This is pissin me off...
Post by: Northland on January 07, 2012, 11:55:04 AM
OK.... I bought and installed Corel X4, hoping to make opening AI files easier (no luck there).
My bitch is that some of the common shortcut functions are hosed:
--- Ctrl+D won't duplicate (have to use the "Edit" "duplicate" to get a dupe)
--- Ctrl+Delete won't delete (have to right click on object "delete" to make the object delete)
--- Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V and Ctrl+X are inactive too.
I left X3 installed..... all the shortcuts there work fine.

I'm stumped....
I've checked the current commands (Tools<Customization<commands<Shortcut keys<view all)..... all the shortcuts are there.
I can't get the "reset all" box to highlight.... arrrgghh.

Anyone ??  Anyone ??  Bueller ??  Anyone ??
Title: Re: This is pissin me off...
Post by: GraphicDisorder on January 07, 2012, 11:58:32 AM
I tried to use Corel a few times in my life.  I just can't bring myself to use it, even to save the money over Adobe.
Title: Re: This is pissin me off...
Post by: tpitman on January 07, 2012, 12:24:58 PM
I don't use Corel but there's gotta be something else haywire when Control-C and Control-V don't work. A bad install? A font conflict? When something is buggered up, I start shutting everything else off.
Title: Re: This is pissin me off...
Post by: Northland on January 07, 2012, 12:28:43 PM
OK.... got a fix.

Close the application, hold the F8 key, restart the application.
I got a dialog box asking if I wanted to restore default settings (which, by the way, I had never changed)
Selected YES
All the typical shortcuts are now active.
Thanks... Google search

All Applications


Periodically, it may be necessary to restore the application's workspace to the default settings. To do this, hold down F8, and start the application. A dialog box appears asking if you want to overwrite the current workspace with the factory default. Click Yes. The application will start using the default settings for the currently selected workspace. Note that you will lose any workspace customization that you have done. See the Help for information about creating, using, and customizing multiple workspaces.
Title: Re: This is pissin me off...
Post by: Sbrem on January 07, 2012, 12:34:25 PM
Yeah, I think it's some kind of other issue if commands like copy and paste are screwed up. As for the Illustrator fix, maybe you could find a used, legit copy on eBay, install it and have it to make the conversions easier when you get a file that the sender hasn't prepped correctly. I had a copy of Corel 10 that I used for the rare CD files I get, until I started hanging around here and some of the guys converted them for me...

Title: Re: This is pissin me off...
Post by: Frog on January 07, 2012, 12:45:40 PM
OK.... I bought and installed Corel X4, hoping to make opening AI files easier (no luck there).

Your ai problems are probably two-fold
1. They are compressed by default at the sender's end.
2. They are using a version of Illy, newer than your version of CorelDRAW.
Title: Re: This is pissin me off...
Post by: inkman996 on January 07, 2012, 02:11:33 PM
North here is a few helpful hints for you in Corel I hope helps.

Quickest way to duplicate a selected object is to simply tap the plus(+) key on the number side of the key board. This will create a dupe directly on top of selected object.

As for deleting objects the easiest way is to simply hit the DELE key on the key board presto gone. You can delete anything in Corel by hitting the dele key including annoying guidelines.

If you already knew these short cuts sorry but hope fully it will help some one.

Title: Re: This is pissin me off...
Post by: Northland on January 07, 2012, 06:58:52 PM
North here is a few helpful hints for you in Corel I hope helps.

Quickest way to duplicate a selected object is to simply tap the plus(+) key on the number side of the key board. This will create a dupe directly on top of selected object.

As for deleting objects the easiest way is to simply hit the DELE key on the key board presto gone. You can delete anything in Corel by hitting the dele key including annoying guidelines.

If you already knew these short cuts sorry but hope fully it will help some one.

Hey... congrats on the IPAD, Inkman.

After restoring the application to the default settings all the shortcuts (and the delete key) work fine.
Prior to the restore the delete key was dead.

What was weird was... this was a new,clean X4 install with no customization to any settings.
Doing an F8 restore solved the problem.
Title: Re: This is pissin me off...
Post by: Prosperi-Tees on January 07, 2012, 07:23:28 PM
I didnt know about the (+) key, thats a good one.
Title: Re: This is pissin me off...
Post by: Evo on January 07, 2012, 07:33:34 PM

What was weird was... this was a new,clean X4 install with no customization to any settings.
Doing an F8 restore solved the problem.
There may have been some system settings or registry conflict from your X3 install that was buggering the X4 install. Who knows. Could happen to any program really.

I have heard so many people flame on about X5 but I have found it to be quite stable and easy to use. I think it's the most screen printing friendly program out there actually (especially for printer output)
I prefer it 100 fold over Illustrator. In fact I use it and GIMP most of the time. I only open Photoshop when I need specific spot channel support.
Title: This is pissin me off...
Post by: Dottonedan on January 08, 2012, 10:17:43 AM

Shame on you!  You dirty bird. Using GIMP over Photoshop?  Heck, one could use Photoshop alone and never have any other program
E V E R.

I have heard tho that Corel is more screen printer/output friendly. I think it was designed to capture this market. As it grows, they look for other ways to expand into cover more of Adobe's ground. At this point  tho, Adobe would have to sit on their hands for about 5 version upgrades and have a major financial disaster  before Illustrator lovers might make the switch.  Most design company's still have not heard of it and if they have, they have heard about Corel Draw less than they have GIMP witch is much much newer.

I have an older version of Corel. 13 but it's on another drive and only get in it on occasions.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: This is pissin me off...
Post by: Fluid on January 08, 2012, 02:53:38 PM
I have an older version of Corel. 13 but it's on another drive and only get in it on occasions.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Seriously?  That has to be the worst statement I have read in a long time and one that is based on opinion rather than facts. C'mon Dan, your still pushing this old and I mean age old argument.
Title: Re: This is pissin me off...
Post by: Evo on January 08, 2012, 03:25:50 PM

Shame on you!  You dirty bird. Using GIMP over Photoshop?  Heck, one could use Photoshop alone and never have any other program
E V E R.

Seriously, it rules. You just need to give it some time.

Once I became accustomed to the interface I actually preferred over the PS interface. The layer boxes, etc are all very easy to use. Plus, it's FREE. It is hands down one of THE best open source offerings to date.

Now for CorelDraw, I bought the full retail version (with the hardcover manual) online for less than $200.00. Not the academic or OEM version, the full retail version of the full suite. It does every single thing a screen printer would ever need for graphic work, (vector and raster) for less than $200.00. Adobe can't touch that.