General => General Discussion and ??? => Topic started by: 3Deep on June 07, 2012, 02:20:15 PM

Title: Turning back the hands of Time!!
Post by: 3Deep on June 07, 2012, 02:20:15 PM
If you could turn back the hands of time on your business what would it be?  I know I got a list of things I would like to go back and redo, but then again those mistakes might have been needed to get me where I  am today.

Title: Re: Turning back the hands of Time!!
Post by: mk162 on June 07, 2012, 02:27:50 PM
There are plenty, but i wouldn't change things simply because of the learning experience.  I guess I am in your boat on that one.
Title: Re: Turning back the hands of Time!!
Post by: tpitman on June 07, 2012, 02:30:54 PM
I think Johnny used to have a signature on another board that read, "Old too soon, smart too late". Some things just have to be learned the hard way, and by the time we find the handle, while we don't have the benefit of many years of screenprinting (or monetary, romantic, insert anything your want here) bliss to look forward to anymore, the effort makes us all the more appreciative of having at least reached it.
Title: Re: Turning back the hands of Time!!
Post by: Socalfmf on June 07, 2012, 04:43:42 PM
learn to say NO sooner and buy and auto from the start...

and a few others....
Title: Re: Turning back the hands of Time!!
Post by: Sbrem on June 07, 2012, 05:13:34 PM
I'm with Sam on the learn to say "No" sooner. I say "No" a lot now if it's a PIA or just not worth it. As for making mistakes, nothing teaches like experience. Mistakes actually guide you to the correct way, if you're paying attention.

Title: Re: Turning back the hands of Time!!
Post by: spotcolorsupply on June 07, 2012, 05:28:58 PM
Would have gotten Quick Books from day one...

Our first year was run on Excel Spread sheets, and it is a mess...  :P

Also would have never gotten into a contract with a credit card processor.

We didn’t get raped, but have found better deals, and the buyout kinda kills the savings. :(
Title: Re: Turning back the hands of Time!!
Post by: alan802 on June 07, 2012, 06:36:00 PM
I, like a lot of others have never made a mistake nor have I made a poor decision since getting into this industry.  This stuff is easy. Oh man, I kill myself sometimes.

That's a hell of a question, and I don't know where to begin and where to end.  I guess my biggest regret or area of failure would be the first two years out trying to be the screen printer and run a shop, and doing things the wrong way and basically getting our asses kicked every single day by one job after another.  I remember having to run 6 color jobs around 2 and 3 revolutions and I sure wish I would have learned everything a little faster and had not wasted hundreds of hours chasing my tail and banging my head against a wall.
Title: Re: Turning back the hands of Time!!
Post by: Shawn (EIP) on June 07, 2012, 06:57:37 PM
I would have opened a used drum store instead.
Title: Re: Turning back the hands of Time!!
Post by: ZooCity on June 07, 2012, 07:03:20 PM
mine are expansion related. it was one of those oh so rare experiences where so much was out of my control- I did right on my end and I got left holding the hat for a lot of other peoples mistakes, failures and wrongdoings -but I would've stayed smaller, like very small, and saved that energy...and that money.
Title: Re: Turning back the hands of Time!!
Post by: Sbrem on June 08, 2012, 07:47:52 AM
I, like a lot of others have never made a mistake nor have I made a poor decision since getting into this industry.  This stuff is easy. Oh man, I kill myself sometimes.

That's a hell of a question, and I don't know where to begin and where to end.  I guess my biggest regret or area of failure would be the first two years out trying to be the screen printer and run a shop, and doing things the wrong way and basically getting our asses kicked every single day by one job after another.  I remember having to run 6 color jobs around 2 and 3 revolutions and I sure wish I would have learned everything a little faster and had not wasted hundreds of hours chasing my tail and banging my head against a wall.

Try this one Alan, "I made a mistake once; I thought I was wrong about something; I wasn't" . Oddly enough, I said "I kill me" to a customer just yesterday. Great minds, eh?

Title: Re: Turning back the hands of Time!!
Post by: 3Deep on June 08, 2012, 10:15:23 AM
Well I do wish I would have gotten a larger press, but hey I,m making due, and Sam I do say NO!!! just did it yesterday on a job.
