General => General Discussion and ??? => Topic started by: ZooCity on August 25, 2012, 08:28:31 PM

Title: Ever get a screen stolen while drying in the sun?
Post by: ZooCity on August 25, 2012, 08:28:31 PM
I just did.  WTH is the matter with people?  My door was wide open, shop lights on and I was feet away, in the office.  Neighbor saw it but thought he was one of ours so didn't confront him.  Dude is very, very lucky I didn't step out for a smoke right then.   

The screen even had an upcoming date with our shop name under it for a show at our space as it was for posters I was supposed to be printing right now.  There's no way someone thought that was free for the taking.  Ugh.  It sort of feels like when someone steals a bike. 

It's not like it won't be too hard to find though, I don't think you see people printing in their kitchen or whatever with 25x30 M3s very often.
Title: Re: Ever get a screen stolen while drying in the sun?
Post by: sweetts on August 25, 2012, 08:46:45 PM
Wow thats messed up
Title: Re: Ever get a screen stolen while drying in the sun?
Post by: stitches4815 on August 25, 2012, 09:58:28 PM
One must ask, WTF is this A-hole going to do with a screen??
Title: Re: Ever get a screen stolen while drying in the sun?
Post by: Orion on August 25, 2012, 10:03:12 PM
Guess they can sell the aluminum?
Title: Re: Ever get a screen stolen while drying in the sun?
Post by: ZooCity on August 25, 2012, 10:06:31 PM
One must ask, WTF is this A-hole going to do with a screen??

I know right?  My thoughts are it's either some jackhole who thought "what's that?  I think I'll take it." or it's an equally (perhaps more?) despicable jackhole who knew exactly what it was. 

My printer told me she's had to scream at at least one other person loading screens into their trailer.  I think they make a little bit of a moral blur for themselves as we are in a large, industrial building that often features random things left out for the taking, but never in front of an open and running shop. 
Title: Re: Ever get a screen stolen while drying in the sun?
Post by: jason-23 on August 25, 2012, 11:36:13 PM
scrap metal is easy money...
Title: Re: Ever get a screen stolen while drying in the sun?
Post by: tpitman on August 26, 2012, 09:52:18 AM
Some people are simply thieves and will take anything if the opportunity presents itself. They'll break into a car to steal pennies from the tray in the shift console. It's what they do. A reflex.
Title: Re: Ever get a screen stolen while drying in the sun?
Post by: Frog on August 26, 2012, 11:01:18 AM
I can attest to that. The last time that something like that happened to us was a night that my wife failed to lock her car, a thief made off with a small 3"x3" case containing expensive sunglass lenses that fit her, and only her prescription glasses.
The case may have appeared to be a more valuable electronic device, or perhaps just a nice case for doobies or something, but at any rate, had much less value for the thief than for her. (Heck, they could have at least taken out and left the lenses.)

The big-time non-ferrous scrap metal thing is what has been getting out of hand for the last ten years or so. Air conditioner coils, and copper plumbing and wiring that no one considered risky in the past are now often here today and gone tomorrow producing major expenses and headaches to homeowners, businesses, and users of public facilities.
Title: Re: Ever get a screen stolen while drying in the sun?
Post by: inkman996 on August 26, 2012, 11:15:42 AM
Very expensive dock plate stolen right from under our noses one day. They must have picked it up and off the dock very gently to not make a sound, the thing weighed a ton.
Title: Re: Ever get a screen stolen while drying in the sun?
Post by: Binkspot on August 26, 2012, 11:25:23 AM
At our old shop we had set two stacks of 23x31 frames out for UPS to pick up to be re-meshed, total of 24. Our normal pickup time was 4:30 but if he was running late he would break off on other runs then be back around six. On this day of course he was running late but we left the frames out for pick up, never had a problem before. He called us around 6:15 to ask where the shipment was, there was nothing there. Turns out some kids were going from business to business in the evening taking anything they could fit in their car and selling for scrap. Police caught them but never recovered the frames.

A few years back a friend of mine rented space in an office condo, six units together. At some point over one weekend someone came by and stole all six ac units from the back of the building.

There was also a group of guys going to rest areas on the Garden State Parkway, backing into light poles to break them off and going to the scrap yard with them.
Title: Re: Ever get a screen stolen while drying in the sun?
Post by: alan802 on August 26, 2012, 11:35:44 AM
I had my golf clubs, medication and an iPhone charger stolen from my truck a few months ago. They didn't see the $80 or my pistol sitting in the other part of the console.  $2200 worth of golf equipment was tough to take but it's all my fault, I didn't lock the vehicle so everything is free for the taking these days. Luckily my console had two sections and this thief was an amateur or they would have gotten even more stuff.
Title: Re: Ever get a screen stolen while drying in the sun?
Post by: Gilligan on August 26, 2012, 12:04:08 PM
Sadly if you have a convertible they recommend that you leave your car unlocked otherwise someone might slit your top to get into it and that is more expensive than whatever is probably inside it (as well as they will get it either way.)
Title: Re: Ever get a screen stolen while drying in the sun?
Post by: inkman996 on August 26, 2012, 02:00:32 PM
Sadly if you have a convertible they recommend that you leave your car unlocked otherwise someone might slit your top to get into it and that is more expensive than whatever is probably inside it (as well as they will get it either way.)

That's an old one, it's always been said leave nothing in your convertible worth more than the soft top and labor.
Title: Re: Ever get a screen stolen while drying in the sun?
Post by: Frog on August 26, 2012, 02:36:43 PM
I do remember a sign that my buddy placed in his MGB window when parked pointing out that the door was unlocked for just this reason.

One of the reasons that I love my hardtop convertible that someone here could not understand (and even ridiculed). The best of both worlds. Top down motoring with the security of a coupe. I can actually drive and park it in places that I would never park a soft top. Actual practical daily transportation rather than merely weekend sport driving.  ;D
Title: Re: Ever get a screen stolen while drying in the sun?
Post by: jsheridan on August 26, 2012, 03:08:36 PM
Very expensive dock plate stolen right from under our noses one day. They must have picked it up and off the dock very gently to not make a sound, the thing weighed a ton.

Funny story about something similar.

We had a recycle, well rather scrap yard 1 blocks away from the shop and our dock ramp would get taken about once a month.. this thing was heavy, took 2 guys to move it, or the fork lift and sure enough.. we'd see on camera 2-3 guys struggle to lift it onto their pickup truck and drive around the corner to the scrapper.

We had a deal with the scrapper.. after the guys unloaded their truck.. the scrapper would give them half of the loads worth and tell them to take a hike or he'd call the cops about the stolen ramp.
Title: Re: Ever get a screen stolen while drying in the sun?
Post by: ScreenFoo on August 26, 2012, 03:19:05 PM
Talk about lame.

I keep thinking it'd be a fun project to hook up an audio sample player to a motion detector by the back door...  something like a semi-auto pistol or pump action shotgun cocking?

Title: Re: Ever get a screen stolen while drying in the sun?
Post by: tpitman on August 26, 2012, 03:23:35 PM
Sadly if you have a convertible they recommend that you leave your car unlocked otherwise someone might slit your top to get into it and that is more expensive than whatever is probably inside it (as well as they will get it either way.)

I had a Jeep Wrangler softtop with soft side windows. They cut the window on the passenger's side, which I didn't notice until the next morning. Stole small change out of the ashtray, some CDs, most of which were worthless ones burned by me, and a small toolbox with a, $18 multimeter and some electrical terminals and tape. Nothing taken was worth the $75 it cost me to replace the upper door piece, and I got off easy only being out that, but it just goes to show you that they'll steal anything, whether or not they can turn it around into cash.
Title: Re: Ever get a screen stolen while drying in the sun?
Post by: Shawn (EIP) on August 26, 2012, 03:48:24 PM
I bet you could find some pretty stuff as a scrap yard manager.
Title: Re: Ever get a screen stolen while drying in the sun?
Post by: tpitman on August 26, 2012, 06:05:46 PM
Not a scrap yard, but I read an article years ago about a guy that worked at a dump and built his entire house out of stuff he salvaged there.
Title: Re: Ever get a screen stolen while drying in the sun?
Post by: screenxpress on August 26, 2012, 10:54:39 PM
Sadly if you have a convertible they recommend that you leave your car unlocked otherwise someone might slit your top to get into it and that is more expensive than whatever is probably inside it (as well as they will get it either way.)

I had a Jeep Wrangler softtop with soft side windows. They cut the window on the passenger's side, which I didn't notice until the next morning. Stole small change out of the ashtray, some CDs, most of which were worthless ones burned by me, and a small toolbox with a, $18 multimeter and some electrical terminals and tape. Nothing taken was worth the $75 it cost me to replace the upper door piece, and I got off easy only being out that, but it just goes to show you that they'll steal anything, whether or not they can turn it around into cash.

My son had a jeep wrangler back about 6 years and was living in an apartment with open parking in the back.  They cut through the back to get in and ripped, and I do mean ripped out the factory radio.  Completely trashed the dash.  So even if you leave them unlocked, don't mean you're any safer for loss.
Title: Re: Ever get a screen stolen while drying in the sun?
Post by: Gilligan on August 26, 2012, 11:30:53 PM
One of the reasons that I love my hardtop convertible that someone here could not understand (and even ridiculed). The best of both worlds. Top down motoring with the security of a coupe. I can actually drive and park it in places that I would never park a soft top. Actual practical daily transportation rather than merely weekend sport driving.  ;D

Still a disgusting movement in that car's legacy.  What a shame.

I have a real hard top for mine. :p
Title: Re: Ever get a screen stolen while drying in the sun?
Post by: tonypep on August 27, 2012, 12:11:05 PM
This is my favorite theft story ever. An employee broke  in after after hours and loaded up the company van with collegiate merch and then stole it. He was arrested the following day as he was selling the merch out of the van in a supermarket parking lot down the road........it didn't require a Sherlock to catch him as the company van had their logo in vinyl splattered all over it!