screen printing => General Screen Printing => Topic started by: Doug S on October 09, 2012, 08:08:15 AM

Title: 7 jobs today and 51 screens involved
Post by: Doug S on October 09, 2012, 08:08:15 AM
Yep it's homecoming!!!  Every year the same thing, high school kids and crazy multi-color designs.  7 jobs to be done before I leave today and 51 screens will be used to finish them.  Thank God for preregistration.   Next I can see purchasing a larger exposure unit.
Title: Re: 7 jobs today and 51 screens involved
Post by: Dottonedan on October 09, 2012, 08:24:06 AM
Congrats!  I can't wait till I get to that point. Right now, I'd like one a day. Lol. I'll get there. By that time, you will be doing 14 jobs a day.
Title: Re: 7 jobs today and 51 screens involved
Post by: inkman996 on October 09, 2012, 10:17:06 AM
I feel the pain.

Hofstra University has been slamming us with orders lately since the next Presidential Debate is held there, not to mention other local universities are jumping on the band wagon.

Wesleyan University is near us and is by far one of the most Liberal schools in this country, we have been printing some interesting pro lbgtq jobs lately.
Title: Re: 7 jobs today and 51 screens involved
Post by: Logoman on October 21, 2012, 10:14:31 AM