Computers and Software => Raster and Vector Manipulation Programs, and How to Do Stuff in Them. => Topic started by: Rocfrog on July 25, 2013, 09:40:40 PM

Title: Adobe Illustrator......"Pages"....???
Post by: Rocfrog on July 25, 2013, 09:40:40 PM
Ok so I'm with a new company now and the owner is big on Corel (which I barely know) and he is not apposed to me using Illustrator as previous artists have used it but his biggest complaint is that for thier process creates multiple files where when he works in Corel he uses the "pages" to keep it all the components in one file.

So my question is.....is there a function like this in Illustrator????

Title: Re: Adobe Illustrator......"Pages"....???
Post by: mk162 on July 25, 2013, 10:21:26 PM
i think it would be layers, you would have to hide the layers you don't want and so forth.

it looks as though they added it in CS4
http://graphicssoft.about.com/od/illustrator/ig/What-s-New-in-Illustrator-CS4/Multiple-Artboards.htm (http://graphicssoft.about.com/od/illustrator/ig/What-s-New-in-Illustrator-CS4/Multiple-Artboards.htm)
Title: Re: Adobe Illustrator......"Pages"....???
Post by: royster13 on July 25, 2013, 10:29:03 PM
Add art boards.......
Title: Re: Adobe Illustrator......"Pages"....???
Post by: virgil427 on July 26, 2013, 08:39:35 AM
Royster13 is right in illy thier artboards you can set them up when creating a document or you can add more if needed by going to document setup in top nav bar and like corel you tab threw in lower left corner
Title: Re: Adobe Illustrator......"Pages"....???
Post by: tpitman on July 26, 2013, 08:18:11 PM
Or open the artboard palette and click on the new artboard icon on the lower right, or if you want to duplicate existing artboards and the content on them drag the existing artboard to the new artboard icon.
Photoshop works the same with layers and channels.
Title: Re: Adobe Illustrator......"Pages"....???
Post by: Rocfrog on July 26, 2013, 08:42:07 PM
So I tinkered a bit with the art boards today, but it just seems like I'm doing double the work. I have to create a new art board and then I have to create a new layer to house the art that I want only on that art board. I guess the "pages" in Corel is kind of like a file with in a file which is what I was kind of wondering if Illustrator had. Although it did kind of help with the out put to the RIP software.

Title: Re: Adobe Illustrator......"Pages"....???
Post by: royster13 on July 26, 2013, 09:01:57 PM
How long does the double work take you?.....About 2 or 3 seconds?.....Every new takes some time to get used to.....But once you do, art boards work really well.....
Title: Re: Adobe Illustrator......"Pages"....???
Post by: Rocfrog on July 26, 2013, 09:20:39 PM
I don't think it's a time thing, I guess I'm just not seeing a benefit to a new art board other than possibly output to the RIP. Because it doesn't isolate anything, just puts a new "box" on the page. I could do the same thing with one art board and just move the layers off and on......

Maybe I'm using/understanding them wrong.....

Title: Re: Adobe Illustrator......"Pages"....???
Post by: Sbrem on July 27, 2013, 11:38:49 AM
Does your new boss store the components he uses to build the art on the other pages? I usually have a "starter" file, where I gather assorted components, mess with type and whatnot. I keep most of them off the page. Just this morning, I was putting together a landscaper 1 color left front, and had assorted images to go with the type as I hadn't settled on one in particular yet. You can keep all of your work files to the side, and when you save a jpeg or pdf proof, only the image actually on the page is displayed. When you get a response from the customer, you can open the same file and do whatever is necessary. When the final image is ready, you can put it on a new page with your printer's marks, or even set it up on your original, with your marks, and as long as the other elements are off the page, you should be fine. So, no extra pages needed, even though Illy will also let you set more pages as well. Since I don't do any paper printing art, I've never used their multiple page function, but I know it's in there. I hope this kind of fits your situation...

Title: Re: Adobe Illustrator......"Pages"....???
Post by: Rocfrog on July 27, 2013, 06:40:19 PM
In Corel he uses "page 1" as the customer proof, then "page 2" is where he starts setting up the "print files"....so page to would be the one color left chest with info and crop marks page 3 would be the full back and page four would be an under base. Something like that and aperently when the previous artist would do this in Illustrator he would just create seperate files, I get there are many ways around this with layers but I think I need to present it to the owner as if it is just lake "pages" in Corel which is why I was wondering if there is a similar function.

Title: Re: Adobe Illustrator......"Pages"....???
Post by: blue moon on July 28, 2013, 12:01:26 PM
In Corel he uses "page 1" as the customer proof, then "page 2" is where he starts setting up the "print files"....so page to would be the one color left chest with info and crop marks page 3 would be the full back and page four would be an under base. Something like that and aperently when the previous artist would do this in Illustrator he would just create seperate files, I get there are many ways around this with layers but I think I need to present it to the owner as if it is just lake "pages" in Corel which is why I was wondering if there is a similar function.


create 3 artboards in the file. place customer stuff in artboard 1, design the front in 2 and back in 3. Then you can use the paages like in Corel to flip through them.

Title: Re: Adobe Illustrator......"Pages"....???
Post by: royster13 on July 28, 2013, 12:25:43 PM
And you can rename the art boards to whatever names you want....
Title: Re: Adobe Illustrator......"Pages"....???
Post by: Frog on July 28, 2013, 12:37:32 PM
I love the feature.
It certainly makes sense to have both the front and back of the Johnson Family reunion in the same place, and the idea of keeping the raw components readily accessible is a bonus.
Title: Re: Adobe Illustrator......"Pages"....???
Post by: Rocfrog on July 28, 2013, 07:57:42 PM
In Corel he uses "page 1" as the customer proof, then "page 2" is where he starts setting up the "print files"....so page to would be the one color left chest with info and crop marks page 3 would be the full back and page four would be an under base. Something like that and aperently when the previous artist would do this in Illustrator he would just create seperate files, I get there are many ways around this with layers but I think I need to present it to the owner as if it is just lake "pages" in Corel which is why I was wondering if there is a similar function.


create 3 artboards in the file. place customer stuff in artboard 1, design the front in 2 and back in 3. Then you can use the paages like in Corel to flip through them.


This is what I'm trying to do, maybe I'm doing something wrong but it doesn't seem to be a way to designate what art goes on which art board...just kind I where its placed. So there is no way to easily "turn off" art board one and only work on art board two unless you seperate them in layers and them just turn off the layers as needed, but I think that's where it seems redundant.

Title: Re: Adobe Illustrator......"Pages"....???
Post by: mk162 on July 30, 2013, 08:33:56 AM
not knocking illy, but I can't believe it took this long to add that feature.  it's so simple and make life easier in so many applications.  It reminds me of the days before tabbed web browsers
Title: Re: Adobe Illustrator......"Pages"....???
Post by: Sbrem on July 30, 2013, 09:37:04 AM
When I switched to Illy from Freehand, that was one of the features I missed the most, but hey, better late than never. Now if the could only revive Freehand's text in a circle feature. If you wanted type on the top and bottom of a circle, you would type it on 2 lines, then attach it to a circle. It would automatically split the 2 lines to the top and bottom, perfectly centered. Illy's type on a circle is a PITA compared to that, but I can still do it, just a lot more steps.

Title: Re: Adobe Illustrator......"Pages"....???
Post by: inkman996 on July 30, 2013, 10:32:20 AM
When I switched to Illy from Freehand, that was one of the features I missed the most, but hey, better late than never. Now if the could only revive Freehand's text in a circle feature. If you wanted type on the top and bottom of a circle, you would type it on 2 lines, then attach it to a circle. It would automatically split the 2 lines to the top and bottom, perfectly centered. Illy's type on a circle is a PITA compared to that, but I can still do it, just a lot more steps.


You won't enjoy Corels type on a path either, one of the most frustrating tools in Corel for me.

Title: Re: Adobe Illustrator......"Pages"....???
Post by: Command-Z on July 30, 2013, 12:31:35 PM
When I switched to Illy from Freehand, that was one of the features I missed the most, but hey, better late than never. Now if the could only revive Freehand's text in a circle feature. If you wanted type on the top and bottom of a circle, you would type it on 2 lines, then attach it to a circle. It would automatically split the 2 lines to the top and bottom, perfectly centered. Illy's type on a circle is a PITA compared to that, but I can still do it, just a lot more steps.


You won't enjoy Corels type on a path either, one of the most frustrating tools in Corel for me.

Yes, Illustrator's type on a path tool is terrible.

Coming from an Illy user... I always found Corel Draw's type editing features to be WAY more better than Illustrator's. Type on a path, enveloping, letter spacing... Illustrator is and always will be a step or two BEHIND Draw as far as ease-of-use for type and layout... the thinking being that other Adobe products are designed for that.

Title: Re: Adobe Illustrator......"Pages"....???
Post by: blue moon on July 30, 2013, 03:53:07 PM
When I switched to Illy from Freehand, that was one of the features I missed the most, but hey, better late than never. Now if the could only revive Freehand's text in a circle feature. If you wanted type on the top and bottom of a circle, you would type it on 2 lines, then attach it to a circle. It would automatically split the 2 lines to the top and bottom, perfectly centered. Illy's type on a circle is a PITA compared to that, but I can still do it, just a lot more steps.


You won't enjoy Corels type on a path either, one of the most frustrating tools in Corel for me.

Yes, Illustrator's type on a path tool is terrible.

Coming from an Illy user... I always found Corel Draw's type editing features to be WAY more better than Illustrator's. Type on a path, enveloping, letter spacing... Illustrator is and always will be a step or two BEHIND Draw as far as ease-of-use for type and layout... the thinking being that other Adobe products are designed for that.

case in point, Illy just now with CC allows individual letters to be manipulated while still in the text mode. I've seen that in Corel years ago . . .

Title: Re: Adobe Illustrator......"Pages"....???
Post by: Rocfrog on July 31, 2013, 10:29:18 PM
I would use Corel more but I don't know how to "design" in it, I'm so use to designing in Illy that I just can't seem to function in Corel. I have been able to "function" in Corel and do basic stuff but when I need to design I do it in Illy.

I have been using multiple art boards the past couple of days and I think it's working, just seems like I'm missing something or it needs some refinement. Of course I am using CS5 so maybe it's been fixed in 6.

Title: Re: Adobe Illustrator......"Pages"....???
Post by: Im-Magic on August 02, 2013, 01:41:04 AM
It seems to me that you are either a Corel person or an Illy person. I cannot draw in Illy but have to have it for all the graphic artists that have to have the latest version of Illy and cannot understand why everyone does not buy it the day it is released. My main function for Corel is Job Sheet on Page 1 and full colour Graphic followed by all the seps a page each. It might not be the best way but I have been doing it that way now for 19 years. I also like the fact that you can set the size and orientation of each page as we now do a lot of art for sublimation and are using very large pages. I am sure you can get around all of this in Illy but just clicking the + at the bottom of the page is very easy.
Title: Re: Adobe Illustrator......"Pages"....???
Post by: Rocfrog on August 02, 2013, 10:04:12 PM
That is the exact function I'm trying to fund in Illy, that's exactly how my boss has been doing his stuff for years. Very simple in concept but not as easy (or at least that I can find) in Illy.

Title: Re: Adobe Illustrator......"Pages"....???
Post by: Im-Magic on August 04, 2013, 09:05:38 PM
I had a girl here who could only use Illy and could not get her head around Corel, so she used to do the design in illy then export it to Corel for separation etc. Not the most efficient but she was happy and so was I.