screen printing => General Screen Printing => Topic started by: shellyky on July 15, 2011, 10:59:02 AM

Title: How do you store your "extra shirts" ?
Post by: shellyky on July 15, 2011, 10:59:02 AM
I generally order 1 per size per color if its a bigger job, and keep on hand 5-10 blacks/whites per size...we do mostly g200's so i was just stakcing these all on a shelf folded by size...its now outgrowing the shelf S-5x, plus some of them are getting dirty from non-use.  In addition, now ive got a ton of tank tops and kids sizes or fashion T's, etc that i dont want to mix in....

So, how are you guys storing your low count, extra blanks? anything creative or just toss them in a box and write "M" on the side?
Title: Re: How do you store your "extra shirts" ?
Post by: Fresh Baked Printing on July 15, 2011, 12:04:03 PM
I don't order extras very often unless the art is hard and the deadline is very tight. I usually will-call my blanks from a local distributor so it's no big deal to get more if I need them.
The extras that I do accumulate are stored in a cabinet, folded.
I thinks it's pretty important to keep them folded and as extraneously crease free as possible.
Title: Re: How do you store your "extra shirts" ?
Post by: ebscreen on July 15, 2011, 01:04:33 PM
One of few things I may have gotten right in terms of running a shop:


Sorry for the crappy phone pic, but you get the idea.

Extras (and plenty of them) are cheap insurance that can save a lot of headaches.
It sucks to keep stock but 1 instance can be worth it. Especially with discharge.

Title: Re: How do you store your "extra shirts" ?
Post by: tpitman on July 15, 2011, 01:24:34 PM
I used to always buy an extra of every size per order. I've got probably about 3 cases of mixes brands/styles/weights/colors that I'll never use and I've had sitting around for probably 5 years. Gonna use 'em as set ups. Since I've got 3 warehouses within a half-hour drive, I just order what I need and make damn sure I don't screw up (yeah, right). After awhile, the economy of getting an extra or so with every order to save a drive to pick up one or two shirts to replace mesprints becomes false when you've got bins of shirts that you'll likely never use in the foreseeable future.
Title: Re: How do you store your "extra shirts" ?
Post by: Fresh Baked Printing on July 15, 2011, 01:29:12 PM
One of few things I may have gotten right in terms of running a shop:


Sorry for the crappy phone pic, but you get the idea.

Extras (and plenty of them) are cheap insurance that can save a lot of headaches.
It sucks to keep stock but 1 instance can be worth it. Especially with discharge.

Who do you use for your box printing?
Title: Re: How do you store your "extra shirts" ?
Post by: ebscreen on July 15, 2011, 01:39:48 PM
Yours truly. Flatstock printing is one of my hobbies and this was the first project off my new (to me) Eclipse.
Title: Re: How do you store your "extra shirts" ?
Post by: Fresh Baked Printing on July 15, 2011, 01:53:06 PM
Custom boxes or at least custom packing tape/label is a great touch!
Title: Re: How do you store your "extra shirts" ?
Post by: T Shirt1 on July 15, 2011, 02:01:53 PM
Here are the loose ones - a little of everything but rarely what we need.  Also we try to keep about 10-15 cases of white 779 on hand.

And I sure like those boxes.  Nice touch.
Title: Re: How do you store your "extra shirts" ?
Post by: Northland on July 15, 2011, 03:03:12 PM
Well Done... East Bay.

I too, order extra shirts for every job I print.
Most of the time I'll print the extras and give them to the customer for free.
I've never had a customer tell me they are "short" one shirt.... they know they got more than they paid for.
If I miss a defect... again, no problem, they've got an extra.
It may cost me $20 in profit on a job... but it's one of those factors that keeps a customer coming back.
They perceive it as "free shirts", but it's built into my prcing structure.

I stock Black, White, Sport Gray... so at any given time I have about $2k in inventory.
About 75% of my business is black, white, gray.
And, about 90% is Gildan 2000 style.
I always get free shipping... because I can add a case of shirts to any order to meet the free shipping minimum.
Title: Re: How do you store your "extra shirts" ?
Post by: dsh on July 16, 2011, 11:48:01 AM
In another life I acquired a bunch of grocery store Lozier shelving.  All the shelves are adjustable (every 4 foot) , and a center placed gondola can have shelves on both sides.  I have 48 running feet of shelving (4 shelves high) in 32' of space.  Makes it easy to store cases and the loose shirts too.
Title: Re: How do you store your "extra shirts" ?
Post by: garagewear on July 27, 2011, 11:44:01 PM
I always order 1 or 2 of each size extra. I store them in Rubbermaid tubs on warehouse shelving I got when the Lane Furniture store went under. I print mixed shirts for the local Kairos prison ministry 3 or 4 times a year and I have two childrens ministries I print mixed for as well. I probably have 1000 shirts on hand but cycle through them and always have an extra for those OH Crap runs.