Embroidery => General Embroidery => Topic started by: Gilligan on October 30, 2013, 12:28:52 PM

Title: You asked for it... woahs of my new embroidery machine.
Post by: Gilligan on October 30, 2013, 12:28:52 PM
So, I finally strike up a deal on a single head SWF 1501.  Tried escrow service but the guy didn't like that.  So he puts it on his website for me to purchase through his CC gateway (giving me some recourse if I need)... I still offer/agree to pay the 98 bucks that the escrow would have cost extra.  Payment goes through, then rejected by his processor because "he doesn't sell equipment".  So now I have to wait for refund to show up.  Finally that shows up and he says "paypal will be fine"... same deal with the $98 bucks.  Now he sends it to be bid on for shipping.  Then we have to wait for them to pick it up.  They show up and they have an open trailer (he made sure open trailer was NOT ok in the bid)... so he rejected that and they told him he had to resubmit the big again.  Round 2.  Now we get a bid, they schedule pick up... now ISS is going on so I need to delay till I get back.  Finally get it coming over and the big day arrives.  Guy shows up with lift gate... AWESOME!  We unload, even take a picture as we are doing it to brag on our FB page.

Then we open it:

https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8yq55sleosxjhwv/WM1Zdv3yVl#/ (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8yq55sleosxjhwv/WM1Zdv3yVl#/)
Title: Re: You asked for it... woahs of my new embroidery machine.
Post by: GraphicDisorder on October 30, 2013, 12:33:22 PM
Good lord.  Send that ish back. 
Title: Re: You asked for it... woahs of my new embroidery machine.
Post by: 3Deep on October 30, 2013, 12:35:38 PM
Rough driver or it was not crated very good or both, hope you get your money back

Title: Re: You asked for it... woahs of my new embroidery machine.
Post by: Gilligan on October 30, 2013, 12:35:52 PM
SWF already told the insurance company it's a total loss and they would not recommend repairing it.
Title: Re: You asked for it... woahs of my new embroidery machine.
Post by: inkman996 on October 30, 2013, 12:35:55 PM
Holy S!@#!

I am really interested in hearing what you are doing about it. That has to be the worse crate job ever, they didn't even try to secure it to the base at all except for the straps. That thing must have bounced around inside like a Mexican jumping bean.

Honestly that machine should be a totaled job. Just like a car with frame damage it will never be right.

Title: Re: You asked for it... woahs of my new embroidery machine.
Post by: Gilligan on October 30, 2013, 12:36:51 PM
The "ratchet straps" were screwed in.  The ratcheting mechanism wasn't even in the crate.
Title: Re: You asked for it... woahs of my new embroidery machine.
Post by: inkman996 on October 30, 2013, 12:40:39 PM

Looking at the pics it looks like they didnt do anything to brace the machine at the very bottom where the wheels are. Ratchet straps is good but not enough. When our single head came in the wheels were removed and lags where driven right into the base of the crate. The top thread carrier was removed and boxed separately.
Title: Re: You asked for it... woahs of my new embroidery machine.
Post by: Denis Kolar on October 30, 2013, 12:45:19 PM
Looks like it was professionally crated LOL

Sent it back (After you get the money back)
Title: Re: You asked for it... woahs of my new embroidery machine.
Post by: ZooCity on October 30, 2013, 12:46:52 PM
Who crates a machine on it's casters?  Yikes.  Good luck man, hope you get a total refund for this total loss.  Some folks should just hire someone to do this type of work for them if they can't figure it out.  Although it does look like the shipper's rolled that crate down a couple hills along the way.
Title: Re: You asked for it... woahs of my new embroidery machine.
Post by: GraphicDisorder on October 30, 2013, 12:51:25 PM
Piss poor job for sure.  We used car straps when we moved our machines.  10,000lb straps 4 on our 2 head, 2 on our 1 head, they never moved.  Those tiny ones used here are just not right for the job.

What did the seller say so far?
Title: Re: You asked for it... woahs of my new embroidery machine.
Post by: IntegrityShirts on October 30, 2013, 01:14:07 PM
Kill it. Kill it with fire.
Title: Re: You asked for it... woahs of my new embroidery machine.
Post by: Gilligan on October 30, 2013, 01:38:26 PM
He says shipper must have dropped it.

I'm not arguing with anyone... just hanging out and waiting to see the dust settle.

The wheels were not on the ground... the adjustable feet things were all the way out.  He claims it was not ON that 2x4 frame thing when it left that it must have jumped up on there after they "dropped it".

Clearly, it got all shook up on the way down here.  Shame because it was a great deal on a fairly new machine!
Title: Re: You asked for it... woahs of my new embroidery machine.
Post by: 3Deep on October 30, 2013, 01:49:07 PM
Gilly I know how you feel bought two epson printers for a great deal and one was damaged beyond repair...part shippers fault on packing and UPS for tossing it around.  If all possible its best to pick up used machines yourself.

Title: Re: You asked for it... woahs of my new embroidery machine.
Post by: GraphicDisorder on October 30, 2013, 04:45:06 PM
Well best wishes on a solution.   This is the gamble with used, ive played the game myself.  It can be awesome, it can be a nightmare. 
Title: Re: You asked for it... woahs of my new embroidery machine.
Post by: cbjamel on October 30, 2013, 05:44:56 PM
 :oWith all the problems I can tell you it wasn't a true SWF dealer, was it??  Mesa, or Central or Coldesi? I assume used. Take your money and run like he**. i have had dealings that way and I have learned to after a while thats why the price was so good. Good luck.
Title: Re: You asked for it... woahs of my new embroidery machine.
Post by: Prosperi-Tees on October 30, 2013, 07:17:18 PM
Ugghhh I am so glad we are over our bad shipping experience. That was almost 4 months of waste!
Title: Re: You asked for it... woahs of my new embroidery machine.
Post by: stitches4815 on October 31, 2013, 10:17:39 AM
That looks like a wonderful crating job.  When we got our Tajima, it took me half a day to break the crating down before I could even think of getting it off of the pallet.  Best of luck to you, I hope you get your cash back.