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General Screen Printing / Re: White Ink opacity issues
« Last post by mk162 on May 30, 2024, 01:26:45 PM »
We haven't changed anything that I can think of.  At first I thought it was ink related because it seemed to start on a new batch of ink, but we've changed to all different brands with zero luck.
General Screen Printing / Re: White Ink opacity issues
« Last post by farmboygraphics on May 30, 2024, 11:59:40 AM »
Has anything changed in the shop? New AC unit, maybe higher humidity in the shop? I've never had environmental factors affect the print, that I'm aware of, but it sounds like you've
exhausted all other options.
General Screen Printing / Re: White Ink opacity issues
« Last post by whitewater on May 30, 2024, 11:46:30 AM »

" i took the flash down so low that a gnat fart the next county over would blow too hard and cool the bulbs too much. "

I wish there was some situation that would come up where I could use this saying....LOL
General Screen Printing / Re: White Ink opacity issues
« Last post by mk162 on May 30, 2024, 09:58:32 AM »
So we upped our EOM from roughly 10% to 15%, which are both in what the manufacturer recommends.  Zero difference.

We checked off contact again and dropped it to almost zero.  then went higher than recommended.  Still nearly zero change.

i took the flash down so low that a gnat fart the next county over would blow too hard and cool the bulbs too much.

Switched angles, pressures, speeds, dwell, hard flood, soft flood. double stroke, single stroke, soft or hard squeegee, inks, etc.

Almost no changes in print until it got too far out to get a good print.

I am absolutely baffled.  The only thing we haven't tried is a new emulsion, but I don't see how that would fix it, we've been running this since before we had issues.
General Screen Printing / Re: Realistic printing speeds
« Last post by blue moon on May 30, 2024, 07:13:23 AM »
At the moment we average about 230 per hour so if we are printing 1400 per day we need 6 hours.
Our work day is 8.5 hours net so that leaves 2.5  hrs a day for washing screens, exposing, etc.
Right now we have 2 people on the press, a catcher and a fourth person who gets orders ready, ships, etc.
I think we can manage with one person less, the printer can work alone on smaller jobs and get help with big orders.
What is your average order size?
General Screen Printing / Re: Realistic printing speeds
« Last post by Maxie on May 30, 2024, 04:14:51 AM »
At the moment we average about 230 per hour so if we are printing 1400 per day we need 6 hours.
Our work day is 8.5 hours net so that leaves 2.5  hrs a day for washing screens, exposing, etc.
Right now we have 2 people on the press, a catcher and a fourth person who gets orders ready, ships, etc.
I think we can manage with one person less, the printer can work alone on smaller jobs and get help with big orders.
Computers and Software - General / Re: Adobe plans
« Last post by brandon on May 29, 2024, 06:08:49 PM »
Speaking of Pantones and Adobe, just curious how others are handling this? We have our way and pretty much sorted for now, but I don't like the flow of our solution. Just wondering if I missed any sort of new industry standard.
Computers and Software - General / Re: Adobe plans
« Last post by Atownsend on May 29, 2024, 12:23:51 PM »
Before you upgrade / delete old illustrator copy out your solid coated .acb file from the presets > swatches folder. Then you can copy / paste it into the same folder in the new illustrator and still have your Pantones. I have a hard time believing pantone connect is with the money... we have enough SAAS around here. I initially hated the cloud versions at first but am finding more benefits with all of the 3rd party plugins and available software integrations.

As Pierre said make sure you are doing this though the cloud connect app. Everything is app based these days.
Ink and Chemicals / Re: Spotting Fluid Ban
« Last post by Atownsend on May 29, 2024, 12:17:35 PM »
Not really opposed to this, spot fluid is bad stuff. Just hope the replacement isn't worse. We tried acetone once or twice... aside from the flammability aspect it would leave a ring every time we tried it. When in doubt we use gorilla tape, but tht has its own drawbacks... better to not make mistakes at all.
General Screen Printing / Re: Realistic printing speeds
« Last post by blue moon on May 29, 2024, 05:43:15 AM »
We're making some staff changes and I want to make a table with numbers we can aim for.    I also want to plan production based on numbers.   We use Monday and have a lists of all the jobs to be printed but without times.     I want to add times and be able to check at the end of the day if we're keeping up.
At the moment the printer prints at whatever speed he's in the mood for and we have no way the check.
We're are not a normal print shop, we don't do custom printing, we only sell printed shirts.  The shirts we import from India and print here.      We average about 1400 prints a day which is very slow.    I want to keep the figures with less staff.
1400 finished goods on one press is not bad. It will depend on the number of ppl you have working on the press and how many jobs you print per day. If it was just one design, that’s low, but from what I remember you have multiple setups with higher color counts.
Even with two ppl operating the press(loader and puller) you still need to burn screens and mix inks. If they are doing that too, 1400 is a good number.
This all heavily depends on how many setups you do per day. If it’s 2, you should produce more. If it’s 8 then they are doing well.
My suggestion would be to work based on dollars per hour (or your equivalent).
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