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General Discussion and ??? / Re: Unusable Art
« Last post by 3Deep on May 13, 2024, 03:41:50 PM »
Depending on how large the order is you might be able to build the redraw cost into the shirt price.  That way you could just skip the part where you debate with them about redrawing it.  We use Ignition Drawing for vectorizing, their cheapest fee is $16..

There are vendors that charge $10 or less and have the files back to me in 12 hours. I suck up the fee as my time is way more valuable than 5 emails back and forth plus the frustration created with client

How much can you suck up on 24 36 to 48 pc orders, like I said big or no problem it's the small ones
General Discussion and ??? / Re: Unusable Art
« Last post by T Shirt Farmer on May 13, 2024, 02:44:06 PM »
Depending on how large the order is you might be able to build the redraw cost into the shirt price.  That way you could just skip the part where you debate with them about redrawing it.  We use Ignition Drawing for vectorizing, their cheapest fee is $16..

There are vendors that charge $10 or less and have the files back to me in 12 hours. I suck up the fee as my time is way more valuable than 5 emails back and forth plus the frustration created with client
General Discussion and ??? / Re: Unusable Art
« Last post by Evo on May 13, 2024, 02:22:04 PM »
Send a screenshot of the art scaled to print size so they can see what 4 pixels per inch *actually* looks like and they will go hunt for the full res file.
General Discussion and ??? / Re: Unusable Art
« Last post by 3Deep on May 10, 2024, 01:35:47 PM »
Heck Andy I still get those sponsors on business cards LOL, by the way I finally drilled it into my customers head that art has to be recreated before we can print it :o
General Discussion and ??? / Re: Unusable Art
« Last post by Frog on May 10, 2024, 01:05:38 PM »
what amazes me is the amount of business that do not have a decent copy of their own logo.

Ive found they do, but you have to press for it because people are lazy and dont want to find it.

Back in the old days when folks wanted a dozen or so sponsors on the back of a shirt, those sponsors would often send terrible art, like tiny scans of business card logos. Only when they received estimates of my art time to re-draw, did they take my advice and look in the file cabinet for the folder with the professionally produced "ad slicks".
Fast-forward to the digital age and I still explain that they probably still have a similar folder, albeit now on their computer.
General Discussion and ??? / Re: Unusable Art
« Last post by ebscreen on May 10, 2024, 12:09:04 PM »
Nissan was doing a big promotion for one of their vehicles, a GT something something.
The art they sent us for several thousand pieces was literally a fan created jpeg they had pulled from a forum.
Emails got nowhere, and phone calls went in a literal loop through their phone system from the purchaser to marketing
to some other department to "who placed this order" back to the purchaser.

Guess who will never ever buy a Nissan?
General Discussion and ??? / Re: Unusable Art
« Last post by GraphicDisorder on May 10, 2024, 11:24:44 AM »
what amazes me is the amount of business that do not have a decent copy of their own logo.

Ive found they do, but you have to press for it because people are lazy and dont want to find it.
General Discussion and ??? / Re: Unusable Art
« Last post by Homer on May 10, 2024, 11:03:42 AM »
what amazes me is the amount of business that do not have a decent copy of their own logo.
General Discussion and ??? / Re: Unusable Art
« Last post by GraphicDisorder on May 10, 2024, 10:01:44 AM »
When the art is crap we simply say it either needs to be recreated or something better created for you, most of the time they see our work and they want something new any way and we certainly bill for it.
General Discussion and ??? / Re: Unusable Art
« Last post by whitewater on May 09, 2024, 01:22:55 PM »
Most of our orders are easy, so I use vector magic for years. recently I found " HitPaw Photo AI" Download it and it really helps with poor resolution on a lot for me so far. So with that combo I can be quick. But in my pricing the art is built in pretty much.

But there are sometimes when I see something come though, and I let them know there will be an art charge. Doesn't happen too much though.

But like I said, 90% of our orders are easy.
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