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General Discussion and ??? / Re: MHM restructuring?
« Last post by ericheartsu on Today at 06:46:06 PM »
plus with the rise of digital, many folks are opting for small digital machines, instead of big screen printing machines.

Same thing that happened in the 80s/90s as mentioned about graphics industry.
General Discussion and ??? / Re: MHM restructuring?
« Last post by SPX on Today at 05:27:50 PM »
There is so much used equipment on the market, even hard to find machines less than 7 years old in the past at low prices. This is what the industry is dealing with now. There is less demand for new equipment and the mfg. know it. There will be further consolidation. Saw it in the graphic screen printing side with svecia, sias and others.
General Discussion and ??? / Re: MHM restructuring?
« Last post by ericheartsu on Today at 04:26:59 PM »
If anyone can turn MHM around, Florian has the best shot! He is a good guy from what I have herd.
Tough for any business manufacturing in Austria, Germany these days.
I think for this industry, at its current projection, with less sales, I think you will see Manufacturer direct. Prices need to come down industry wide. I believe prices have risen,
Any company can only cover so much bad decisions/ debt and pass it on to end users. Alex.Brown machines? Never sold one, only worked on a dryer or two. No disrespect to the company, just have not
Had the need. I would not say less features, only less  displays, softwear to run machines. I know people that own their machines out right and have the machines shut down on a Friday afternoon, and they cant run until Monday so they can receive a code to operate. Or if the industry had a choice to use
Opensource softwear I would feel I would have better options.Lots of good equipment being built world wide. Setting up a shop in Vegas to do Allover/ Jumbo prints if any of you guys have a need. Hit me up!
Still turning wrenches, but difficult when parts are hard to get!

would love to learn more of the all over prints!
General Discussion and ??? / Re: MHM restructuring?
« Last post by californiadreamin on Today at 03:31:05 PM »
If anyone can turn MHM around, Florian has the best shot! He is a good guy from what I have herd.
Tough for any business manufacturing in Austria, Germany these days.
I think for this industry, at its current projection, with less sales, I think you will see Manufacturer direct. Prices need to come down industry wide. I believe prices have risen,
Any company can only cover so much bad decisions/ debt and pass it on to end users. Alex.Brown machines? Never sold one, only worked on a dryer or two. No disrespect to the company, just have not
Had the need. I would not say less features, only less  displays, softwear to run machines. I know people that own their machines out right and have the machines shut down on a Friday afternoon, and they cant run until Monday so they can receive a code to operate. Or if the industry had a choice to use
Opensource softwear I would feel I would have better options.Lots of good equipment being built world wide. Setting up a shop in Vegas to do Allover/ Jumbo prints if any of you guys have a need. Hit me up!
Still turning wrenches, but difficult when parts are hard to get!
General Discussion and ??? / Re: MHM restructuring?
« Last post by ebscreen on Today at 02:17:11 PM »
Well said Winston. Businesses that are run as a business tend to fare better than businesses run as an investment.
The end goal is the same for both, make money, but one style tends to try do so at the sake of anything else.

The company that bought them in 2009 was also in the espresso machine business if I'm not mistaken.
Cold Vinyl / Re: Boat lettering/graphis
« Last post by balloonguy on Today at 01:55:33 PM »
Thanks for the replies. It is a friendly neighbor. I will give him the options and let him choose.
Have a great weekend.
General Discussion and ??? / Re: MHM restructuring?
« Last post by TCT on Today at 01:50:40 PM »
Was going to say Lake shirts now has over 100 across 3 locations up here.
General Discussion and ??? / Re: MHM restructuring?
« Last post by 1964GN on Today at 01:32:38 PM »
The people that I have spoken to that are fairly close to the situation are not overly concered at the moment. This happened once before in 2008/2009 and they came out of it fine, but you never know.

Lakeshirts has quite a few more MHM's in other facitities they own, I don't know the total number of machines but it's over 100. Hanes has a bunch as well as some other large printers.

They brought back Florian Freilinger way to late in the game IMO
General Discussion and ??? / Re: MHM restructuring?
« Last post by tonypep on Today at 01:05:30 PM »
Lake Shirts runs 73 MHMs. Dont think they're worried, probably have a few extra presses just for parts!
General Discussion and ??? / Re: MHM restructuring?
« Last post by TCT on Today at 12:09:23 PM »
From my position, as someone that works on all these machines, they need to return to more analog, simpler machines. Nice to have all the bells and whistles, but being able to source parts, and get them fast is more important. Downtime will kill all industry.
My opinion

The thought of machines reverting to variations of a Brown ElectraPrint makes me uneasy. I just can't. I LOVE knowing where everything is and telling the press what to do from one point. Although Brown DID jazz their machines up at Print United with a new two tone paint job... 8)

Winston, I love ya and miss ya, actually sent business your way about a month ago with a dryer issue! Hope you are leaving the dream!
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